


技术实际上重新定义了当代生活的各个方面,以及家庭建筑和重塑也不例外。今天,由于设计和制造的突破,一次简单的建筑组件现在拥有令人惊叹的复杂程度。Windows提供了一个典范。在过去,典型的窗口包括木框架和单封玻璃。但是在2016年,最好的窗户装满了最前沿的功能,比以往任何时候都更好地服务于家庭及其居住者。仍然,“许多房主并未意识到有多少,”Jim Eldredge是一个产品经理西尔斯家庭服务。当然,窗户更换仍然是一个受欢迎的改进,但房主倾向于出于相同的原因追求该项目,其具有前几代的原因 - 即增强能源效率和改善的美学。“这些是安装新窗户的预期好处,他们是值得的目标,”Eldredge说。但是,当涉及目前的窗户庄稼时,他补充道,“有很多额外的激励措施忽略了。”有关与新窗口相关的三个鲜为人知的优点的详细信息,请立即阅读!



在几十年的窗口需要关心的几十年来上,要考虑时间来看待时间看起来并表现最佳。多少?这取决于框架。较旧的窗户经常需要很多关注,并非最不重要的是,因为他们的木制框架应该每三到五年重做,以抵御腐烂和模具。厌倦了所有的麻烦,许多房主坚持使用较少的窗户,以持续的维护方式很少。铝制窗户是恰恰是这种原因的欢迎。然而,铝是具有高导电性的,因此不会非常绝缘。根据Eldredge的说法,只有Vinyl提供“最好的两个世界” - 木材的绝缘能力和铝的易于护理美德。实际上,Weatherbeater vinyl Windows安装在于西尔斯家庭服务很少不仅仅需要清洁。当然,清洁窗户可能是一种痛苦,因为你很明显,你是否曾经爬过梯子,以达到上层的玻璃窗。好消息?优质的现代窗户,包括横向窗扇所含的伐木器线,可轻松进入外部玻璃,使清洁微风并释放时间“你实际想要的东西”,Eldredge总结。



曾几何时,如果你要在寒冷的一天把手放到窗户,那么玻璃会像户外那样冰冷的温度。“今天你不会拥有同样的经历,”Eldredge说。具有双齿轮或甚至三泛结构的结构,窗户能够以外墙的窗口越来越多地提供热性能。也就是说,一些窗户的绝缘比其他窗口更好。伐木工窗户西尔斯家庭服务特别是因为它们的窗格之间的腔填充有氩气,更密集的气体进一步剥离。此类创新有助于消除草稿并尽量减少能源损失,使房主能够更高效,更便宜的加热和冷却。但有趣的是,许多相同的特征,这些功能效益家庭效率也迎来了次要利益 - 他们衰减声音。实际上,一个阻挡不舒服的冷或热空气的窗口也可以抵挡声音。虽然房主很少预期窗户更换,导致更安静,更平静的室内环境,“这往往是房主一旦新窗口进入一旦进入的首先通知”,“Eldredge说。



Savvy房主知道该窗口更换 - 一个重大改进项目 - 通常要求相应重大的资金投​​资。犹豫不决的高价格?不要忘记,你不是唯一痛苦地意识到所涉及的费用的人。事实上,潜在买家远离房屋的普遍性,他们的窗户需要更换而不是以后更换。It’s unlikely that you’d make immediate plans to move after replacing your windows, but when it’s time to sell, “the preference for up-to-date windows can work to your advantage,” Eldredge remarks, and could result in a faster or more lucrative sale. In addition, bear in mind that while new windows may not be cheap, their purchase and installation isn’t a sunk cost. On the contrary, the upgrade adds considerable value—in fact, owners typically recoup more than half of what they put into the project, according to Eldredge. It’s true that not every home improvement offers a favorable return on investment, but window replacement does—especially when you take into account the fact that, as Eldredge notes, “high-performance windows help you to save each and every month on climate control,” in many cases the single greatest ongoing expense of homeownership.

If the scale of window replacement doesn’t intimidate you, and if the price tag doesn’t put you off, then it’s likely that the biggest source of stress you’ll encounter as you embark on this major project will be trying to find and hire professionals you trust. We’ve all heard plenty of horror stories about amateurs and crooks who either do a poor job or agree to do the work but never actually show up. As windows are critical to the integrity of any home, and because their performance depends on proper installation, it’s only prudent to do your due diligence and hire as responsibly as possible. Don’t know where to begin? You can start by安排免费的家庭咨询西尔斯家庭服务。全国范围内经营,历史悠久的帮助房主实现了更美丽,更好的房屋的梦想,西尔斯可以通过整个过程来指导您,从选择新窗口到他们的准时安装。Providing peace of mind all the while is the fact that with Sears in your corner, you benefit from the company’s hallmark Satisfaction Guarantee—an assurance that, even once your new windows are in place, Sears remains committed to the long-term success of your project. Contact西尔斯家庭服务今天!


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