解决了!The Best Paint for Furniture

Find the perfect paint to spruce up all kinds of furniture, from indoor pieces to your patio set.



Q: I want to renew a recently purchased thrift store chair with paint. What’s the best paint to use on furniture?

A:虽然一些油漆品牌携带专用的家具涂料,旨在劝阻刷子标记并防止磨损(如Valspar的家具涂料,可供选择Lowe), it can be pretty pricey—as much as $26 for a 29-ounce can. That may be more than you paid for your thrift store furniture! Fortunately, you can save money for任何家具绘画项目by using a more standard paint that suits the material you’ll be refreshing and making sure to prep, prime, and protect the piece correctly. Read on to identify the best paint for furniture that’s located indoors and out as well as helpful how-to tips.




The Best Paint for Outdoor Furniture



Latex paint ($20 to $50 per gallon) labeled for exterior use is best for outdoor furniture from wooden or metal patio sets to plastic lounge chairs. It’s increasingly used instead of oil-based paint on furniture because it emits less volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and noxious fumes. It also dries faster than oil paint, in one to three hours, so you can quickly put the furniture to use. While all exterior latex paints contain a water base, pigment, binders (resins), and special additives that resist mildew, fading, and staining, the best paint for furniture is labeled “all-acrylic” or “100% acrylic,” which is more fade- and crack-resistant than latex paint containing vinyl or combined vinyl-acrylic resins.

Before painting furniture, sand the surface with a sanding block or sandpaper to even it out and roughen it up to improve paint adhesion, then clean with a rag soaked in soapy water to remove dust and grit. When dry, prime with a water-based primer labeled for exterior use (e.g., Zinsser Water-Based Interior/Exterior Primer, available at家居仓库) to ensure an even foundation and a more uniform paint finish, ideally in a shade close to or tinted to the exact color of your paint. If painting metal, stave off rust by using an oil-based, rather than a water-based, exterior primer (e.g., KILZ Complete Oil-Based Primer, available at家居仓库).

To avoid sun-related fading and fend off wear-and-tear from outdoor elements, seal painted furniture with a clear, exterior-grade, water-based polyurethane top coat (e.g., General Finishes High-Performance Water-Based Top Coat, available onAmazon).

Use interior latex paint if you want the furniture to match the walls.

内部乳胶漆(每加仑15至40美元),含有水基,颜料,粘合剂和添加剂,在VOC和烟雾中也很低,粘附着木材和金属家具,并在一到三个小时内干燥。It’s also a more affordable option when aiming to achieve color coordination between interior walls and furniture, because you can have white interior latex paint in the flaw-hiding, easy-to-clean satin or semi-gloss sheen tinted at the store to match virtually any wall color. Because you don’t need the weather resistance of a pricier all-acrylic latex paint on indoor furniture; a cheaper latex paint labeled vinyl or vinyl-acrylic will suffice.


The Best Paint for Furniture You're Distressing


Opt for milk paint to achieve a distressed look.

牛奶涂料(每夸脱15至25美元) - 水基产品made from natural ingredients包括石灰石,粘土,颜料和牛奶蛋白酪蛋白 - 可以给您的家具即时铜绿。在干燥过程中旨在自我遇险(即,裂缝和剥落),它是完美的,可以获得新的梳妆台或扮演老armoire的老化美丽。虽然油漆有一系列传统颜色,但通常是没有VOC的,而且只脱掉一个温和的土质香味,它的干燥时间稍长,而不是乳胶漆,两到四小时。它还以粉末形式出售,必须用水手动混合并在使用前搅拌。

Although you’ll need to wipe down the furniture with soapy water before painting, you can generally skip sanding and priming because milk paint adheres well to wood and metal surfaces both matte and glossy. Seal milk-painted furniture with a water-based wax top coat (e.g., Polyvine Wax Finish, available onAmazon)制作自然哑光涂层光滑,更容易擦拭干净,铲刮,并保持苦恼的饰面。

RELATED:Is Milk or Chalk Paint the Right Finish for You?

Choose chalk paint for a uniform finish without sanding, priming, or paint mixing.

For a low-effort project, chalk paint ($15 to $35 per quart)—a water-based product made from calcium carbonate, talc, and pigment—is ready-to-use on wood and metal furniture straight out of the can with no mixing and minimal surface preparation. Because it naturally adheres well to matte and glossy surfaces, there’s usually no need for sanding or priming beforehand.
