Bob Vila Radio: Pantry Storage

Ready-made and do-it-yourself organization solutions help you ensure that even in a well-stocked pantry, you can always find what you're looking for.

A well-stockedpantryis key to planning and preparing meals efficiently. But even if you keep loads of ingredients on hand, they won’t do you any good if you can’t find them. Here are a few tips on keeping your pantry items organized, visible, and easily accessible.

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Pantry Storage


The first step is to get rid of stale or expired items—and anything else that you don’t think anyone in your household will ever eat. Next, if possible, completely clear out your pantry shelves, clean them off, and start organizing. Make collections of like items—for example, soups and other canned goods, or pastas, legumes, and grains. As you restock your pantry, you’ll want to keep these groups together, making sure you can see every item.

幸运的是,有很多产品(和DIYsolutions) oout there to help you organize a pantry. Among the handiest are undershelf baskets, which add storage space and keep frequently used items accessible. Lazy Susans can help with accessibility but in small pantries, they can be inefficient space hogs. Stair step-style shelf organizers help keep soups and other canned goods readily visible; you can DIY your own by using lengths of wood. Finally, consider storing grains, cereals, and other bulk items in clear plastic stackable containers. They use space efficiently and let you see what you’ve got.

Bob Vila Radiois a newly launched daily radio spot carried on more than 75 stations around the country (and growing). You can get your daily dose here, by listening to—or reading—Bob’s 60-second home improvement radio tip of the day.