Bob Vila Radio: Upcycling Cribs

2011年,联邦安全标准的婴儿床hanged, making it illegal to sell older, unsafe models. Rather than send yours to the landfill, consider new ways of putting that old crib to some good use.

2011年,联邦安全标准的婴儿床hanged significantly, making it illegal to sell older models that no longer make the grade. Even thrift shops no longer accept these cribs, because they cannot be resold.


Listen toBOB VILA ON UPCYCLING CRIBSor read the text below:

Upcycling Cribs


That left an awful lot of families with beautiful cribs languishing in their attics and basements, unable to donate them and unwilling to pass on potentially dangerous designs to family or friends. Short of sending these lovely and sentimental pieces to the landfill, what can you do?

Well, I’ve been amazed at what some people have done—I’ve seen creativeupcyclingideas including chairs, benches, dish racks, desks, chalkboards, easels, magazine racks, even a garden trellis!

Keep in mind that cribs were designed to be structurally sound only when assembled as intended, so you’ll have to be smart about designing your new piece so it doesn’t wobble. Draw a few variations on your ideas before you start cutting anything, and try to anticipate weak spots that may need extra support or bracing. Just remember, any project is a success that keeps the old crib useful and out of the landfill!

Bob Vila Radiois a newly launched daily radio spot carried on more than 75 stations around the country (and growing). You can get your daily dose here, by listening to—or reading—Bob’s 60-second home improvement radio tip of the day.