


20世纪的伟大,游戏变化的发明之一,空调在我们的生活中变得如此牢固地根深蒂固,我们现在想知道我们在没有它的情况下曾经生活过。当然,以同样的方式随着时间的推移而往往会改善的方式,自最早的化身以来,冷却系统已经走了很长的路。尽管如此,即使是AC可以的有效,平均系统仍然在至少一个重要的方面湿度控制中仍然受到压缩。每个人都听过谚语,“这不是热量,这是湿度。”但是,您可能没有考虑表达式对室内舒适感到舒适,因为它在户外天气。如果您的空调未能从您家中的空气中消除足够的水分,则存在后果 - 而且不仅适合您的舒适,而且为您的底线而且可能为您的健康。好消息:高级选项如unico.System控制湿度比传统的HVAC更有效。阅读,了解为什么这真的很重要。


Photo: dreamstime.com



Photo: dreamstime.com



Photo: fotosearch.com

Mold: You know its musty smell and its off-putting appearance. And you’re probably aware that for asthma and allergy sufferers, mold can be a trigger for severe symptoms. But you may not have considered the role played by HVAC. Mold can crop up virtually anywhere, but only with access to a food source and—this is critical—moisture. Because mold feeds off the sort of particulate matter that is found in virtually every home (e.g., wallboard, books, cardboard and other paper sources), controlling it becomes mainly a matter of controlling moisture. For that reason, theunico.Systemgoes further than average technology, not only to limit mold, but to prevent it from blooming in the first place. Plus, since humidity invites the proliferation of dust mites, Unico actually protects indoor air in more ways than one.

Don’t forget that a healthy home environment also requires adequate ventilation. Here too, Unico excels. With a programmable control board at its core, the system calculates how much fresh air to bring indoors at any given time. Then, according to those calculations, the system works to ventilate the home, precisely according to need, ensuring fresh air and a further layer of protection against mold growth.

While conventional air conditioning can cool your home on even the hottest days, only systems likeunico.同样有效的对高温度es and high humidity levels. That’s important, because after all, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” If you’re relying on technology capable of managing one but not the other, then, unless you live in a particularly dry climate, you’ll have to spend a fortune on utility bills to feel fully at ease in your home during the dog days of summer. Indeed, HVAC directly impacts not only your personal comfort, but also your financial comfort. It can even impact the health of your home, owing to its ability either to suppress mold or leave the door open to its proliferation. There’s a lot on the line, in other words, when you choose an air-conditioning technology for your home, and the market offers no shortage of options. In the end, though, remember the negative impact of humidity in your home, and the many benefits that humidity control brings.

