



Sanding certainly isn’t the most fun part of a furniture or room makeover. Still, it’s a vital step in the prep work before almost any paint job, whether it’s on a secondhand wooden dresser or freshly installed drywall. Sanding is also undeniably messy, no matter how careful you are.

专业的木匠,craftspeople, and drywall finishers—people who sand all the time—reducing dust is a must. How they do it is no big secret; it just requires the right set of innovative dust-busting tools. Keep reading to learn three key reasons why you should cut down on dust during your next home repair, redesign, or renovation project, and find out about some tools that can help keep dust at bay.




当你完成第一个干墙工作时,你注意到的第一件事之一就是你留下的混乱。大量的超细粉尘沉淀到没有覆盖的薄板 - 开放式储存,地毯,家具,甚至是您的衣服。那个灰尘以某种方式总是manages to find its way underneath doors and outside the room in which you were working, leaving a fine layer of white dust throughout the house.



Before you started, you probably tried to protect your home from drywall dust as best you could, removing furnishings and other objects from the room, laying a plastic drop cloth over the floors, and taping plastic sheeting over doorways and vents to seal off adjacent rooms. (Even justone尚未覆盖的返回空气通风口可以让干墙粉尘通过HVAC系统循环,迫使您在下周尘埃尘到您的房子中的每个房间删除沉降粒子。)不言而喻,这项准备工作是耗时的,如是否需要处理任何泄漏的灰尘所需的清理 - 这通常是这样的。

有一个更好的方法!而不是压力你所铺设的塑料掉缝的数量,或担心房间没有足够密封,尝试一种不同的预防措施:海德工具'Dust-Free Vacuum Pole Sander Kit. Its heavy-duty sanding head swivels so it can be used on drywall joints at any angle without lifting or repositioning the sander. The kit’s vacuum pole adjusts from three to six feet in length to reach high or low, and the six-foot-long hose carries all those fine particles straight from the sanding head to the tank of a hooked-up wet/dry vacuum. That straight shot enables the Dust-Free Vacuum Pole Sander to remove95 percentof the sanding dust that would otherwise wind up scattered inside your home!

Before you start, make sure you have a good-quality filter in your wet/dry vac to prevent reintroducing dust into the air. When you’re done sanding, tidying up is as easy as dumping out the vacuum canister and cleaning the filter.

3 Reasons Professionals Choose Dust-Free Tools



干墙尘埃不仅侵入家庭,还是如果你没有穿着气密护目镜和一个完整的呼吸器面具,那么美味的白色灰尘也可以在你的眼睛和肺部结束。未覆盖的眼睛可以刺激和红色,暴露的皮肤可以干燥,但这种灰尘对呼吸系统来说特别不好。根据“的呼吸道和窦障碍风险可能导致呼吸系统和鼻窦障碍的风险增加疾病控制中心(CDC), and inhaling silica—a mineral present in some types of drywall compound—can increase the risk of lung cancer.


当你的沙干墙上产生的细小白色灰尘不是唯一可以对您的健康产生负面影响的副产品。漆柜,经过处理的木材,涂漆成型 - 几乎任何你的沙子都可以创造空气中的尘埃,这是危险的吸气。用于制作涂漆或染色的木制家具或其他木材表面,尝试海德工具'Dust-Free Sponge Sander. Like the drywall sander, the sponge sander attaches to a wet/dry vacuum hose and features a palm-grip sanding head that holds a standard sanding sponge. Just turn on the vacuum and start sanding your painted, varnished, or bare wood surface. As you work, the dust you create will enter the sanding head and travel to the vacuum tank rather than your lungs.


Not only can dust-free sanding tools keep your work area clean and protect your personal well-being, they can also improve your results, especially if you’re working on an intricate wood refinishing project. Standard practice for sanding wood typically involves working with various grits of sandpaper, used either in a sanding machine (for large surface areas) or in sheets for hand-sanding. While a folded square of sandpaper works pretty well on the types of contoured surfaces found on window trim and baseboard molding, it still doesn’t perfectly conform to the curves and details.



对于打磨那些持股曲线和脊的更大控制,转向Dust-Free Sponge Sander来自海德工具。设计用于在比干墙更具挑战性的表面上使无尘打磨,这款海绵砂光机通过三英尺的柔性软管连接到湿/干燥VAC。打开真空,将您选择的柔性砂浆插入轻质的手砂光机,您将能够更快,更有效地通过详细的成型。不再不得不停下来重折叠一块砂纸或抓住一张新鲜的床单。甚至更好,打磨海绵持续时间超过纸张,当你完成了一天的时候,只需洗掉所有的灰尘,他们会准备好下一份工作。

Because it’s handheld and manual, the Dust-Free Sponge Sander also makes it easier to sand consistently with the grain, which is key to obtaining a fine finish when sanding off a layer of paint or stain. Working against the grain can leave cross-grain marks on the wood that are difficult to hide, even with a new coat of color. That’s why craftsmen with real attention to detail often prefer sanding with paper or sponge over power-sanding with an orbital sander. And we suspect that you’ll feel the same after you’ve used the Dust-Free Sponge Sander to refinish that flea market find or family heirloom.
