进入Bob 亚博老虎机网页版Vila的2020年的2020节能热水器赠品与今天的A. O. Smith!

当我们为假日季节做好准备时,现在是给您的热水器的完美时间 - 每个家庭的心脏 - 一些额外的注意力。通过将水加热器升级到一个来节省能源,金钱,防止潜在的未来热水破坏创新的新技术这可以节省高达73%的能源成本!

今年11月和12月,我们正在与之合作A. O. Smith是世界上最大的住宅和商业水加热和水处理系统制造商。他们的优质热水器痴迷地设计成见面能源之星的高效标准以及全国各地房主的各种需求。

Starting today (12:00 p.m. EST October 31, 2020 until 11:59 a.m. EST December 31, 2020), enter our 2020 Energy Saving Water Heater Giveaway with A. O. Smith daily for a chance to win your choice of a 50- or 80-gallon hybrid electric heat pump water heater (or other high-efficiency solution based on your home’s needs), along with local professional installation. Total prize value is up to $3,000!

选项1:A. O. Smith 50加仑混合动力电热泵热水器

该most efficient way to heat water, the A. O. Smith hybrid electric heat pump water heater uses heat from the surrounding air to heat your water – minimizing operating costs and maximizing savings – while dehumidifying and cooling the ambient air in the process. TheA. O. Smith 50-Gallon EnergyStar®认证热水器降低水供暖成本高达73%,在年度公用事业费用中节省306美元以上。与标准电动热水器相比,这意味着您将平均节省3,000美元超过10年。适用于三到四人的家庭,这款高大的苗条的单位专为更容易安装和维护而设计。

选项2:A. O. Smith80加仑混合电动热泵热水器

有一个更大的家庭或更大的家?该A. O. Smith 80加仑热泵热水器旨在为拥有五个或更多人的家庭提供高效可靠的热水。创新的能源星星®认证技术将水供热票据缩小到73%,节省了454美元或以上的年度公用事业费用,平均为4,500美元超过10年!

两个单位都包括电子,用户友好的界面,可让您更改温度和审阅服务诊断以进行简单的保留。您还可以选择四种操作模式 - 效率,混合,电动和度假 - 以确保最大效率和性能。

每个也含有可清洗的过滤器,以防止灰尘和污垢入侵系统,并受到A. O. Smith的10年有限住宅保修保护。

除了产品规格之外,A. O. Smith Team希望帮助您找到最适合您家的热水器。如果您有一个小空间或需要不同的大小单位,A. O. Smith将与您合作,提供根据您的特定需求量量身定制的最佳解决方案。


进入Bob 亚博老虎机网页版Vila的2020个节能热水器赠品与A. O. Smithdaily to increase your chances of winning a 50- or 80-gallon heat pump water heater (or other high-efficiency solution based on your needs) plus local professional installation, for a total prize value up to $3,000.

亚博老虎机网页版Bob Vila的2020节能热水器赠品与A. O. Smith(“抽奖活动”)由Acton Media Inc.赞助,600 B ST STE 300圣地亚哥,CA 92101(“赞助商”)。奖品将由a·o·Smith (the “Prize Provider”). The Sweepstakes consists of one (1) random drawing and one (1) prize awarded per random drawing. The Sweepstakes and entry period begin at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) on October 31, 2020, and runs through 11:59 a.m. ET on December 31, 2020 (the “Sweepstakes Period”). Open only to residents of the continental United States (including the District of Columbia, but excluding Alaska and Hawaii) who are age 18 or older. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Employees of Sponsor and its respective parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and the advertising and promotion agencies involved in the administration of this Sweepstakes, and their immediate family members or household members are not eligible to participate in or win the Sweepstakes. Installation included. See官方规则。