

自制点燃 - 在火中扔橙皮


秋季今年轻微,但寒冷的温度在拐角处,特别是在12月22日与冬季的官方开始。在那里有什么更好的方法来勇敢地在火灾旁边停车?当然,你可能储存在木柴上(也许甚至是切碎自己的)但是只是为了你的点燃,我们发现了改进你在那种木炉或壁炉中唤起火焰的理由。对于这个芳香的替代品,所需要的只是一个爱柑橘- 特别是,美味的维生素C包装橙子。

自制点燃 - 去皮橙


这就是你所做的:下次你在杂货店储存你的日常剂量的水果和蔬菜时,请务必将一些额外的橘子放入购物车。Then, when you’re looking ahead to a weekend in front of the fireplace, simply remove the peels from the oranges (you can snack on the slices) and set them out uncovered on a sheet pan or cooling rack for 24 to 48 hours to dry them out. When they’re ready two days later, mix these scraps in with your kindling rather than old newspaper to ensure you get a roaring flame. The oil in the skin of the orange actually fuels the fire. Even better, it won’t release any chemicals as might be found in a wad of newspaper—just their fresh,柑橘闻-有效地保持烟囱清洁剂。现在听起来像是一个双赢 -情景,如果我们听过一个。