How To: Descale a Keurig




Whether your daily drink of choice is a frothy latte, creamy hot cocoa, or an old-fashioned cup of Joe, the Keurig can satisfy your caffeine cravings in record time, all without leaving pesky spills behind. But after serving up buzzworthy beverages around the clock, even a no-fuss, no-mess coffee dispenser like the Keurig requires a routine cleanup to keep up with your咖啡习惯and keep out the most unsavory of intruders: limescale.

Limescale can take up residence on the inside of any heated appliance when hot water evaporates and leaves behind solid white钙沉积物. If left untreated, the chalky culprit can diminish the look of your coffee maker and produce a bitter aftertaste in your morning Joe—even prevent your Keurig from heating up. Fortunately, even stubborn limestone breaks down when exposed to the acetic compounds found in store-bought descaling solution or the household equivalent, vinegar. Use your preferred solution when you follow these instructions for how to descale a Keurig, and follow through with the routine every three to six months (some of the company’s newest coffeemakers even remind you to do so with an alert!). You’ll not only improve the taste of brewed beverages, but also extend the life of your Keurig.

14ounce bottle of Keurig Descaling Solution
Distilled vinegar (optional)
Filtered water
Clean pitcher or tall glass

If your Keurig model has the auto-off capability enabled, disable it according to the owner’s manual. Then, power off and unplug the brewer before descaling.


Descale Keurig


To loosen and lift built-up limescale from your brewer, fill the water reservoir with the descaling solution of your choice and then replace the reservoir lid. You can opt for the company’s specially formulated descaling solution or a handy homemade equivalent:

• If using Keurig descaling solution, pour equal parts descaling solution and water into the water reservoir to fill it. Depending on the model and size of your brewer, this could range anywhere from one-third of the bottle to a full bottle of Keurig’s 14-ounce descaling solution, followed by an equal amount of water.

• If you prefer a DIY descaling solution, pour equal parts water and distilledvinegarinto the reservoir until full.

Plug in and power on the brewer. Then, place a large mug on the machine’s drip tray. Without inserting a Keurig beverage pod, lift and lower the brewer handle. (If on a smaller Keurig appliance the water reservoir is not detachable, allow five to 10 seconds here for any descaling solution to drain into the appliance before lowering.) Select the largest brew size and then press the Brew button to start a cleaning brew cycle using the reservoir filled with descaling agent. When the cleaning cycle is complete, remove the mug and discard the hot water在水槽里.

Repeat this step until the appliance prompts you to refill the water reservoir, or there is no more visible scale in the water reservoir. Then, power off the brewer and wait for 30 minutes before removing and discarding the contents of both the mug and the water reservoir.


Repeat the fresh water rinse cycle at least three and as many as12额外的眉毛额外的酿酒师,根据需要将耗尽的水库重新填充耗尽的水库以完成酿造。更好的是:你会的want any lingering vinegar or descaling solution to taint a future cup of coffee.

当您完成冲洗酿造器时,将其关闭并从水库中丢弃残留的水。用过滤的水冲洗水库,然后在啤酒厂重新安装之前空气干燥。Regular cleaningof your Keurig will allow you to enjoy your favorite hot drinks the way they were meant to taste.