
After you finish frying and feasting, be sure to properly and safely dispose of the cooking oil. Whether you use lard, shortening, or liquid oil, we’ve got the 411.


Photo: istockphoto.com

Love cooking those French fries, donuts, and other delicious treats but stumped by what to do with the oil when you’re done? Hopefully, you’ve stopped short of dumping it down the sink! Doing so can causeclogsin home drain lines and contribute to larger clogs in municipal lines, which is why most communities have regulations against it. Pouring it out on the ground is also a no-no: TheEnvironmental Protection Agency已经确定了食用油,无论是基于蔬菜(如油菜)或基于动物(如猪油),也可以“杀死或伤害野生生物”并导致大量的其他环境问题。

No need to fret about your frying medium, though—you’re in the right place! This guide explains how to tell if yours needs to be disposed of and gives you the best options for how to dispose of cooking oil in a safe, responsible manner.

1. Determine if it’s time to toss with the sniff test.

Used cooking oil needn’t be discarded after one use. If you’ve been frying in a skillet and prefer not to waste the leftover oil, simply remove residual bits of food by straining it through a large咖啡过滤器, and then pouring it into a sealable container for storage on a cool, dark shelf. Most deep fryers are designed to retain their oil from use to use, and it’s a hassle to strain an entire tank. So continue to use it as long as it passes the sniff test below.

Eventually, all cooking oil will become rancid. To determine if yours has gone bad, give it a sniff. Good oil has a light, clean smell while a bitter or metallic aroma—or something reminiscent of crayons!—means it’s past its prime. If you’re not sure, rub a bit of oil between your forefinger and thumb: Fresh oil will feel smooth and light, but a sticky or tacky consistency indicates that it’stime to toss.


Photo: istockphoto.com


烹饪oilmust cool to room temperature before it can be safely handled. In an insulated deep fryer, oil can retain enough heat to cause serious burns for up to an hour, or longer, after it’s been turned off. So be patient and let it cool off completely first.

如果处理缩短和猪油,将其凝固的形式舀入空缩短的锡或咖啡并在盖子上弹出。只要它在一个封闭的容器中,你就可以把它放在垃圾容器中throw it awaywith your regular kitchen waste.

If you started with liquid cooking oil, however, such as peanut oil or safflower oil, don’t expect it to thicken too much when it cools. You’ll need a more secure container, such as an empty plastic milk jug or苏打瓶螺丝盖盖子。为了掌握乱七八糟,用漏油通过窄口瓶开口时使用漏斗。

If you regularly prepare fried foods with small amounts of cooking oil that you don’t intend to reuse, consider purchasing a grease keeper. This handy cook’s helper, generally made of metal or stoneware, comes with disposablefoilliners. Just pour or scrape used oil into the foil-lined canister and replace the lid. Continue to add used oil until it reaches the fill line, and then fold the top of the foil liner, remove it from the canister, and put the foil bag in your trash receptacle.

3. Decide on trash or recycling.

While you could, in theory, toss your filled (and sealed) container right into the trash can to take out to the curb, that’s not the only means for how to dispose of cooking oil. In fact, if you’re eco-conscious, you may be able to dispose of old cooking oil at a recycling center that will then send it off to be transformed into biodiesel fuel. That not only helps reduce the need for fossil fuel production, it’s the greenest thing to do.Earth911.commaintains an interactive search to determine which types of recyclable materials are being collected in your community. Just enter your zip code to find out if there’s a cooking oil recycling collection center near you.