


Photo: shutterstock.com

稍等一下!不要刚刚摆脱那个老木梳妆台。给它第二个外观,这次试图看到它的涂料工作或破裂的污渍涂层。你喜欢它的设计吗?抽屉持有足够吗?如果您欣赏除其当前条件的作品有关这件作品的一切,那么您可以更少的努力,而不是您可能预期的努力 - 将其从昏迷的eyesore转变为迷人的守门员。

Anybody can learn how to refinish a dresser; there are no special tools or advanced skills required. All you need to be successful in the task are two things: a free afternoon and the willingness to get your hands a little sawdusty. Are you ready? OK, let’s go.



如何删除现有depe完成吗nds on whether the dresser is now sporting paint or stain. Not sure? If you see any wood grain, that means there’s a stain. If not, then you’re very likely dealing with paint.


如何改进梳妆台 - 打磨

Photo: shutterstock.com

  • 去除涂料从梳妆台,使用砂纸 - 或制作更快的事情,电力砂光机。在难以达到的碎片,换刮刀或钢羊毛的砂纸。没有必要脱掉每种斑点的涂料,但越近你可以裸露的木头,更好。打磨后,用钉布擦拭一块钉布捡起锯末。如果你试过打磨和油漆不会比赛,还有另一种选择:化学涂料剥离器。使用这种产品绝对需要良好的通风和适当的防护装备。指令因产品而异,但过程通常以彻底的清洁开始。接下来,凝胶样汽提剂与刷子一起进行,并且单独留下一段时间。慢慢但肯定地,涂料泡沫到易于可拆卸的层中,你可以与手套的手结合使用腻子刀剥离。通过洗涤梳妆台并让它干涸。
  • 去除stainfrom the dresser, use sandpaper or a power sander, just as you would with paint. Start the sanding process with coarse sandpaper and as the bare wood starts to show through, switch to medium-grit sandpaper. To complete the process, use fine-grade sandpaper. The sandpaper actually does double duty: It removes the old stain while also preparing the bare wood to accept a new finish.Just note that there are also化学脱衣果专为污渍而设计。如果您走这条路线,您最好的选择是使用含有二氯甲烷的产品,从而减少任何东西。如上所述,使用这种有毒化学品要求遵守各种安全措施。有关具体的详细信息,请务必阅读并按照您最终使用的产品的容器上打印的指令。

Allow the bare wood to dry thoroughly before proceeding.

如何改进梳妆台 - 绘画

Photo: shutterstock.com


在这一点上,梳妆台倒在裸露的木头上,准备好只是关于任何东西 - 传统的油漆或污渍,甚至是创意的东西,如裁扣或者人造结束。是的,这是有趣的部分!

What new finish should you give to your old dresser? There is no right or wrong here, and the answer, of course, is entirely up to you. Heed your personal style preferences, and consider the decor already in the room where you plan to put the piece once it’s refinished.

  • 弄脏。顾名思义,污渍是改变木材颜色或阴影的着色剂。污渍可以突出谷物,减轻或变暗的自然色调,或完全改变它们。出于如何染色木材家具的详细逐步方向,点击这里
  • 涂料。油漆与其他饰面不同,因为它是不透明的。请记住,传统的涂料销往各种Lusters-Flat,缎等。如果您希望用刷子涂上传统的油漆,点击这里为教程。对喷涂绘画感兴趣?这边请
