



因为他们通常在基地ment or a back closet for instance—water heaters are largely out of mind for many homeowners. Most simply take it for granted that whenever they turn on the shower or start the dishwasher, the hot water will be ready and waiting. But like it or not, when an existing hot water heater fails, even the most uninvolved homeowners have to shake off their inertia and familiarize themselves with the product landscape. The good news is that with manufacturers competing to come up with ever more effective solutions, the category now boasts a more diverse range of options than ever before. The bad news is that without consulting a contractor, it can be difficult to determine which of the many types of water heater would be the best for your situation. As you assess the alternatives, don’t forget to factor in one especially compelling option that often gets overlooked.

Indirect water heaters aren’t new—they’ve been around for decades. But today, with growing concern for the environment and rising energy costs, indirect units are enjoying renewed popularity. Why? For some homeowners in certain parts of the country, indirect water heating can deliver a powerful one-two punch of energy use reduction and cost savings. In fact, according to the Department of Energy, under ideal circumstances indirect water heaters are “the least expensive means of providing hot water” to the point-of-use fixtures you rely on every day, multiple times a day. Given that water heaters consume a lot more energy than most people think—more energy than most other household appliances combined—opting for a high-efficiency solution can go a long way toward improving your bottom line, especially over the long term.

间接热水器 - 产品细节拍摄


要了解其巧妙的设计,首先要知道的是,一个间接的热水器本质上仅仅比一个绝缘储蓄储存罐握住卷绕的热交换器,尽管较少的常见版本依赖于罐 -坦克设计。但在任何一种情况下,“间接”单位不会产生自己的热量;相反,它依赖于锅炉。在典型的布置中,闭环水管将锅炉连接到间接热水器,向其送出加热的水。虽然锅炉烧制的水从不与储罐中的水混合,但它通过热交换器中的线圈循环,这反过来加热水供家用。从本质上讲,锅炉完成所有工作,而间接加热器仅促进了热量的转移。

如果您家中没有锅炉,您现在可以停止阅读。据丹尼尔奥布兰人,一位技术专家supplyhouch.com., “Indirect water heaters make sense only if you need a boiler for space heating.” With forced-air HVAC equipment dominating the market, boilers are increasingly rare. If, however, your home ranks among the relative few with hydronic baseboard, radiator, or in-floor radiant heating, when you install an indirect unit, the boiler drives both systems, heating the house and the water. Even if your boiler has been in the basement for 15 years and operates inefficiently relative to contemporary standards, O’Brian maintains that “there are obviously significant benefits associated with running only one power-devouring major appliance instead of the usual pair.”

在夏天,情况变得更加复杂,尤其是因为房屋不需要加热时,房主不习惯于锅炉。但在一个带间接热水器的家中,锅炉仍然需要间歇地击中行动,以满足家用对热水的需求。另一种热水器技术 - 无罐热水器,因为它们通常以同样的点播方式众所周知。然而,关键区别是间接热水器的效率等于锅炉的效率,锅炉通常优于大多数热加热器。If you have a brand-new high-performance boiler capable of achieving 96 percent efficiency, you’re much better off than you would be with a tankless unit that offers 80 percent efficiency or a conventional unit with a rate of efficiency in the 60 or 70 percent range.

有趣的?并非最不重要的是因为涉及的许多考虑因素,奥布里安强烈建议与承包商讨论你的计划。奥布里安说,“聘请了一个专业处理安装。”该工作的一部分是Diy友好的,但适当尺寸的间接热水器涉及一系列复杂的计算,最好的计算训练和经验丰富的安装人员。当然,雇用承包商并不便宜,购买间接热水器也不便宜。但是,虽然上部成本可能是相当大的,但间接热水器通常不需要昂贵的服务或维修。此外,少量移动部件和实用连接 - 并且没有暴露于燃烧间接热水器,通常比其他类型更长。许多制造商甚至提供了一生的保证。

Whether you need to replace a broken water heater or simply wish to upgrade, O’Brian concludes, “If you have a boiler or plan to put in a boiler, an indirect unit stands out as the clear choice” for reliable, cost-effective water heating. If you’re tired of dreading the arrival of your utility bills, take the next step toward investigating whether an indirect water heater would make sense for your needs, your budget, and your home. Don’t know where to begin? You can start by visitingsupplyhouch.com.现在,探索广泛的间接热水器和附件,这些家庭中最大的名字,包括Buderus,Amtrol,Bradford White和Weil-Mclain。别担心:如果您最终有任何疑问,客户服务专家总是在手头提供帮助。

间接热水器 - 应用拼贴
