
Harness the power of smart technology to solve irritations and inefficiencies, both big and small, all around your home.


You live and learn—theoretically. But I’ve lived in my creaky old house for nearly 20 years, and I still haven’t mastered all its frustrating quirks. There is, however, one lesson that I absorbed early in my tenure here: Always turn the light on in the entry hall when going out for the day. Why? For some obscure reason that may have made sense to the builder (or previous owner), or perhaps for no real reason at all, there’s no light switch near the front door. That means that if I return after dark, I have to walk a dozen timid paces through the pitch-black foyer, risking life and limb along the way, before reaching the switch on the far wall. Hence, my simple workaround—just turn the light on before leaving. Unfortunately, experience has proven that, at least for me, it’s not so easy remembering to do that.


解决方案:家庭自动化。这几天是一个热门话题,许多人称之为未来的浪潮。谁知道?我一直遇到了我们生活中数字设备崛起的混合感受,我当然从未设想过,智能家庭技术将对我个人使用。然而,正如我了解更多关于它的信息,我发现这句话“聪明的家”对不同的人来说意味着非常不同的东西。一些欣赏自己的技术,并将拥抱家庭自动化,无论是真正的实用。其他人,例如,仅用于解决问题的解决方案。是什么让我成为一个信徒?这不是自动化神奇地让我记得留在光线上。这是现在,感谢SAGE by Hughes,我不再需要记住。


休斯的全新Sage包括一套易于使用的家庭自动化和安全产品。与许多昂贵的昂贵的全家系统相比,Sage提供了模块化解决方案,这意味着您可以选择您真正想要的组件并忽略所有其他的组件。模块化系统设计也意味着如果在将来决定更改或添加到系统上,Sage会让您轻松执行此操作。当您搬迁到新家时,系统甚至可以随身携带。Sage与您合作,因此您可以使用该技术创建自己的个性化解决方案。这就是我在选择后所做的SAGE Automation Kit,我举行了解决我的长期高度刺激的斗争。

Surprisingly, after all those years of cursing that hall light, solving the problem ended up being pretty painless! In any SAGE setup, no matter where you install the components or how you plan to use them, there’s one central piece—the hub. The heart of the system, the hub connects to your TV, which in turn becomes the command center where you configure and monitor the SAGE system. (If you choose to download the free SAGE app to your smartphone or tablet, you can also interface with the system whenever you want, wherever you may be.) Once I had the hub plugged in, I moved on to installing the鼠尾草灯开关(the视频说明were nice to have, but not vital). Finally, I swapped out the standard bulb in the hall light fixture and screwed in the Internet-enabledLED灯泡。总而言之,设置只花了大约20分钟。

中心,开关,灯泡的照顾,我sat next to the television and, following the intuitive prompts, used the SAGE remote control to sync up the Light Switch and bulb with the hub. Excited now, and a bit curious, I pulled out my smartphone, opened the SAGE app, and inspected the menu. A tap or two later, and I was turning the bulb on, then off again. A few more taps, and I was adjusting the brightness of the bulb. I walked out to the driveway and tried again—success!


虽然它曾经推动了我邦克斯,但我现在一次去几天而没有思考大厅光。如果它确实发生在我的脑海中,它只是因为我在晚上被拉进了车道,发现了,在户外,在门厅里有一个灯光,欢迎我回家。In addition, I enjoy the comfort of knowing that if there’s ever a change of plan, no matter where I am—under the covers in bed or at my desk at the office—I can always pull out my smartphone to turn the lights on or off remotely, with just a tap. I’m even thinking about expanding my system to include switches and bulbs in every room, and possibly even incorporate theDeadbolt Lock。这样,我可以在瞬间和自动打开我解锁门的那一刻,我可以在那样,说,说,厨房,厨房和卧室。非常酷,不,没有?

I haven’t gotten that far yet. For the moment, I’m still experimenting with theSAGE Automation Kit,除了灯开关和LED灯泡旁边,还包括家电交换机。任何我插入这个聪明的设备的设备都可以通过Sage应用程序(或在我的客厅里的电视机)远程控制。至少现在,我已经使用了一系列不同的目的,而不是使用单个设备配对交换机。最近,我将它连接到厨房里的慢炖锅,并在放入所有成分后,留下工作。如果我开始做饭,那么这顿饭就会被我回家的时间过度烹制。通过从中午左右开始的炊具,从里程远,只需在Sage App中轻拍,我就可以确保美味的晚餐,煮熟到完美。

You can view and purchase the full line of home automation and security solutions atsagebyhughes.com.。Besides being a storefront, the website provides access to customer service, an array of instructional videos, and helpful advice in plain English on how to get the most utility out of the kits or individual components you ultimately choose. The ordering process isn’t complicated—like the products themselves, it’s all very intuitive and seamless. As you browse, go ahead and consider your life at home and the often irritating hassles we all encounter every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Does the new world of automation offer a solution to these annoyances? Maybe, like me, you’re going to find that the little problems and inefficiencies that once seemed inevitable are simply no match for the best of digital technology.

