

Small Duct High Velocity HVAC Efficiency



Thankfully, there’s good news: The march of technology has brought new HVAC options to the fore, and the next generation of indoor climate control offers the best of both worlds—that is, unparalleled comfort delivered efficiently enough to minimize the cost of operation. There are many alternatives to traditional forced air that are worth considering, but there may be none more intriguing than theUnico System

凭借其勉强明显的通风口和耳语安静的操作,Unico系统不受关注本身 - 即,直到公用事业账单进入邮件,以令人愉悦的总数证明系统的有效操作。Installed at the heart of several award-winning, envelope-pushing green homes—in the Department of Energy’s Builders Challenge and Race to Zero competitions, for example, and the annual GreenBuild Expo—Unico System has earned a reputation for energy-saving, eco-friendly HVAC innovation.

小管道高速HVAC效率 -  Unico地板出口


There are multiple ways in which Unico promotes efficiency. First, the small, flexible ducts are virtually leak-free, while the full-size metal ducts in a run-of-the-mill HVAC system create a huge potential for leakage. In fact, air leaks and thermal loss can compromise system efficiency by 25 percent or more. By contrast, Unico’s mini ducts feature nylon inner cores and are sheathed in closed-cell insulation. In combination, the added layers eliminate air leaks and thermal loss, and in so doing prevent the waste of energy.


With the Unico System, in the summer homeowners can actually set the thermostat a few degrees higher than usual. That’s because the system employs advanced cooling coils, which remove up to 30 percent more humidity than conventional AC. Lower humidity, of course, means greater comfort, but it also means savings, with each one-degree increase in the set temperature translating to a 3 percent cut in energy use. Over time, the savings really add up.

Small Duct High Velocity HVAC Efficiency - Unico iSeries Outdoor Unit



是什么让人们如此高效?最重要的是,它避免了传统HVAC的能量饥饿的标志之一。典型系统在恒定循环中间歇地操作,打开和关闭,打开和关闭。虽然它似乎令额外节省资金,但是只有较低的功率水平仍然持续运行。这最大限度地减少了能量消耗 - 在此过程中,实现了显着高的季节性能效比(Seer)。



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Unico Infographic.

This post has been brought to you by Unico. Its facts and opinions are those of BobVila.com.