


不管厨房有多伟大看起来,它必须工作。厨师需要在覆盖范围内拥有一切,家庭需要能够使用所有的新功能,而客人需要感到舒适进出房间 - 你知道客人总是会聚集在厨房里。随着我们背后的工作,是时候给了我们的新厨房测试运行。


认为我们永远不会再这样做 - 并相信我,这几乎是一个耻辱 - 我们不会!我们学到了如此之了解到我们通过项目的方式,我们应该向朋友和想要改造的亲戚借给自己,所以我们可以把一些新发现聪明的聪明人一起工作。我总结了这些重要的事情:

规划就是一切。我们花了几个月的炼油计划,通过机柜设计思考,在精神上打开和熄灭灯,所以我们可以绘制电线。If I had it to again, I probably would have ordered a double-hung window instead of a casement in the powder room, but except for that I don’t regret a single thing—we did all our thinking in advance, so we don’t have to second-guess ourselves now.


•时间,时间,时间!既然我们的空间很少储存材料,我们必须练习“正常库存” - 在我们可以送货之前,必须清除所有木材,窗户,门和胶合板的车库橱柜,电器必须保持持紧直到安装所有内阁。


•测量、测量措施。我们只是跟星期五ends who have had to return and exchange a long list of materials and supplies that didn’t fit. Their sink protruded into the shower stall, a cabinet was a full six inches short of its space, faucets didn’t fit, and on and on. We did have to swap out the pot filler for a smaller one when we realized we’d failed to account for the light cove molding on the bottom of the cabinets when we measured the space. But that was really the only misstep—and after the hundreds of decisions and measurements over the last nine months, I’m okay with that.

它仍然需要我们几个月的时间来完全恢复房子 - 我们需要重新绘制中心大厅,我们订购的百叶窗bay windowwill need to be installed, and next spring we’ll need to repaint the picket fence that got a little banged up over the course of the project. But the kitchen is officially done, and we’re ready to start thinking about our next project. The kids are lobbying for a finished basement, but that’s not in our budget. What comes next will be strictly DIY!

有关更多厨房的设计理念和规划咨询,请考虑以下BOB VILA文章:亚博老虎机网页版


Options for Kitchen Cabinets
