3 Types of Hammers Every DIYer Should Know (and When to Use Them)

Get to know the key differences between the claw, ball peen, and club hammer styles so that you can choose the right hand tool for every project.

3 Types of Hammers Every DIYer Should Know

Photo: istockphoto.com

Head to the home improvement store, and you’ll find a dozen or more different hammer designs manufactured by the usual suspects in the tool industry—so many that shopping for this toolbox basic can be daunting. Look更多密切,你会发现过道归结为三种特定类型的锤子,在更广泛的尺寸范围内:

  1. the claw hammer,
  2. the ball peen hammer, and
  3. 俱乐部锤子。
3 Types of Hammers Every DIYer Should Know

Photo: istockphoto.com

Every household needs at least one hammer on hand for everyday repairs and installations, whether that’s tacking a picture onto the wall or re-nailing a floorboard or piece of molding. For most DIYers and homeowners doing the odd job around the house, that’s a claw hammer weighing between 16 and 20 ounces. Ahead, we’ll look further into why a claw hammer is the most common hammer to stock as well as what each type of hammer is designed to do best.


购物提示:所有类型的锤子都有一系列尺寸,范围从8到42盎司。所谓的重量是锤子的头部而不是整体工具。对于简单的家庭任务,较轻的重量很好,但框架和其他更大的项目需要更重的重量。锤子的重量比平均20盎司的工具相当大,我们正在谈论32盎司或更多 - 为专业的建筑工人制造。

Types of Hammers: The Claw Hammer

Photo: istockphoto.com

1.羊角锤通常用于木工and household repairs.

对于我们大多数人来说,这是我们在需要锤子时达到的设计。The claw hammer’s steel head is dual-function: The face drives nails and the two-pronged claw pulls nails out of wood. The handle is made of fiberglass, wood (commonly a tough, springy hickory wood), or steel. Choose a fiberglass or steel option, and it will also have rubber, plastic, or vinyl handle for comfort and shock absorption.

爪锤可以在许多尺寸中购买。Small tack hammers may weigh only a few ounces. Large framing hammers (designed for driving large nails) will have heads weighing up to 28 ounces and handles reaching 18 inches in length. A moderate-sized hammer with 16-ounce head and 16″-long handle will perform a wide variety of tasks, though framing work typically requires the added power of a heavier 20-ounce hammer. (I’d suggest you leave the really big ones to those who frame buildings for a living; in the hands of the occasional user, they are unwieldy and a liability for most jobs around the house.)

The exact shape of the claw varies from one hammer to another:

  • Smaller hammers usually have claws with sharper curves.
  • Larger hammers often have a flattened claw, and sometimes are referred to aswreckingor撕裂锤子因为爪子可以用来窥探拆除工作中的木元素。


  • 图案面孔(也称为a磨坊) will help prevent glancing blows, because the serrations grip the head of the nail. This is especially handy when doing work that involves forceful hammering, like framing and toe-nailing.
  • 光滑,略微凸起()面部优选用于完成工作。在爪锤中,平面通常是二流率的指示。

Pulling a nail puts tremendous wrenching stresses on a hammer.如果你有利于木头处理的锤子(我们很多人),请谨慎使用它来拉钉。在工具包中保持一对钉子牵引器或残骸酒吧,以拉动大于八便士的所有钉子(两个半英寸长的钉子)。

Types of Hammers: The Ball Peen Hammer

Photo: istockphoto.com




The ball peen hammer is not essential for the woodworker’s toolbox.但是当涉及驾驶冷凿时,爪锤不是正确的工具,所以锤子锤子或球杆锤(见下文)是一个好主意。球茎厂也可用于驱动重钉和其他任务,其中其重量和硬度是资产。


Photo: istockphoto.com


Most club hammers have two identical faces and a short handle (typically 10 inches long).可以使用两个面,尽管第二面的主要原因是如果头部没有均衡,但锤子将是笨重的。尽管有玻璃纤维杆锤,但是木制手柄通常由山核桃制成。

The club hammer is light enough that it can be managed comfortably with one hand.A club hammer with a two-and-a-half-pound head is a useful size, though three- and five-pound models are also common.

就像它更大的弟兄们一样,大锤,俱乐部锤子用于驱动赌注或寒冷的凿子并拆除砖石。They are sometimes called hand-drilling hammers because they are often used to drive masonry drills.

