How To: Install Tile





Particularly in a house of a certain age, you may well discover that the地面地区不是正方形。这使得这项工作有点复杂。最常见的是,最好的策略是用作最明显的墙壁的基线。然后,当您的客人走进房间时,他们会看到与那件墙平行的瓷砖线条,你将获得愉快的工作。

如果他们的第一个视图是不是aligned, the whole job may look cockeyed, even if it isn’t.

Once you’ve identified the center and baseline from which you will work, snap a pair of perpendicular chalk lines. These will divide the room into roughly equal quadrants. You’ll want to work outward from the center point in each of the four sections.


Establish its height so that you won’t have to cut very thin tiles (or cut very thin shards from nearly full tiles) to come flush to the floor. Snap a top line on your walls, and then snap a center line, too, just as you would for the floor. And be sure to lay out all the walls you plan to do before you begin tiling.

Stepping Off the Pattern
One last essential step: After you’ve found the center point, squared the room and are ready to go, position rows of tiles (do it dry, before you mix the adhesive or mortar) within each quadrant of the grid. Take the rows to each wall. This last step should warn you of any trouble to come.



你可能越是加大er that the tiles you laid to butt to the wall (or floor) are so narrow as to be impossible to cut. For example, cutting a ceramic tile to a width of less than about three-quarters of an inch is difficult and should be avoided if at all possible. You could decide to go back and cheat the whole grid an inch or so one way or another, even at the cost of losing your perfect symmetry. Only you will know

You may also opt to make a variation on the story pole that is called a jury stick. If you mark on a straight piece of plain wood stock the width of a particular series of tiles (and don’t forget the grout joints, too), you can hold it to the surface to be tiled and identify potential difficulties easily without having to set whole areas of tile in place. When it comes to the actual tiling, work across to the outside edge of one quadrant, then to the top or bottom one row or course at a time. Fill in as you go.

Successful tile jobs are a direct result of good planning and a methodical approach. Double check every step; measure at least twice with a tape and a second time by stepping off.

A little patience, along with a little practice and a score and a snap, and you’re a tile cutter. Here’s how you do it:

Measure and mark the tile.测量您需要切割的瓷砖的大小,并使用毡尖标记将尺寸转移到瓦片的上釉表面。将瓷砖定位在瓷砖刀具上,使切割器的中心线与瓷砖的轴对齐。瓷砖的顶部应保持在刀具顶部的栅栏上,以将其保持在切割轮上。

得分。Using the lever to which the cutting wheel is attached, draw the cutter across the surface of the tile, exerting a firm, even pressure to cut through the glaze. Make only one pass with the cutter.

Snap the tile.Different snap cutters have different means of snapping tile. Some have a heel at the rear of the lever that has the cutting wheel at its toe; others, the reverse. Whatever the design of your cutter, use the surface to apply pressure to the score line. In combination with a bead built into the base of the cutter, the pressure will cause the tile to snap in half.


布局。Proper planning is every bit as important as careful cutting. Establish a precise strategy for the process before you begin.

粘合剂. If you are using tile, chances are that it’s to be in a setting where moisture is a given, whether it’s a kitchen, bath, or entryway. Make sure you use a waterproof adhesive. You can use a premixed adhesive or a mortar, but if you choose the latter, make sure it’s a thin-set variety. The thick-bed mortars require some practice and skill at smoothing to get the tiles to sit flat, and the additional mortar isn’t necessary for a water-tight finish.

Grouting.Grout is usually purchased as a powder, then mixed with water or a recommended additive. Read the instructions on the package, or ask advice at the tile store to be sure the mix is appropriate. One simple way to enhance your color scheme is to add a dye or pigment to the grout. Adding a color can be especially important if you’ve tiled a floor, because white grout, even after it has been sealed with a grout sealer (which is to be recommended, especially for floors), may prove difficult to keep looking clean and white.
