


Photo: David Baker + Partners

Fromwater conservation高效照明和绿色清洁,浴室是一个理想的家庭氛围。可以在改造或新建建设中进行重大变化,但也可以进行快速的绿色浴室改造。

“绿色不应该是一种选择,应该是第一个想法,”Jeff Smoler,Asid,Asfd,Asfd,Asfd的杰夫斯米尔说。设计在诺布鲁克,IL。“走向绿色几乎是一种心态。一旦你决定这样做,价格似乎不是最前沿。“但是,对于任何浴室设计 - 绿色或不适合 - 是与当地建筑码保持一致。他们可以指导您完成任何强制性绿色浴室的改进,如安装节能照明,现在许多当地电力公司需要,Smoler说。

Quick Green Bathroom Makeover

Before you buy, check for aWaterSense您正在考虑的任何型号的标签。标签意味着厕所已达到某些美国水效和性能的环境保护局要求。

橱柜考虑绿色橱柜这将使用竹子等可持续材料制作,Diana L. Patterson of Tucson,Az南部美国室内设计师协会总裁选择。“尽可能避免层压板,用胶水和化学品,这些胶水和难以回收。实木橱柜是比层压板或塑料更好的选择,但你想选择易于更换的快速生长的树林,如柳树,杨树,橡木,桉树,因为实木橱柜使用了许多树来生产。“

水分控制With showering, bathing, and sink use, the bathroom is one room that could have a lot of moisture issues. Effective control is important to prevent respiratory and structural problems. Install a properly sized electric vent fan in the ceiling to remove moisture in the air and prevent mold or mildew from growing.

UpdatingIf changing out trim, look for items such as tile with recycled content or for materials with non-toxic finishes. Consider salvaged hardware to give a new look. If refreshing walls, use paints withlow or no volatile organic compounds(VOC)。

Water Conservation


A leaky toilet can lose from several gallons to nearly 100 gallons a day. You may have already noticed a few of the clues: having to jiggle the handle to make it stop running, hearing toilet water sounds when it is not in use, or hearing the toilet water run for several seconds when no one has touched the handle. Replacing the toilet flush value is an easy, efficient way to stop leaking and save thousands of gallons of water per year.


检查浴室清洁用品的股票。阅读标签,这样您就可以确定成分无毒和环保。如果他们不是,安全地处理它们。联系您当地的政府办事处以获取有关住宅托管的信息。检查Greenguard Environmental Institute网站适用于卫生间,玻璃和地板清洁剂,以达到其环保标准。阅读选项绿色清洁室内

Coming clean in the bathroom means more than just scrubbing up the room. Go for eco-friendly body products as well. If you need help in determining the safety of ingredients, check out the website of theEnvironmental Working Group。非营利性环境研究组织可保留对安全的产品在线数据库。


And don’t forget the sun. Make the most of any natural lighting provided by bathroom skylights or windows.

Take your eco-friendliness a few steps further. Consider towels and wash cloths colored with low-impact dyes and made with organic cotton that is grown without pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers.


Want to make other rooms in your home greener? Check out绿色厨房绿色卧室,和设计一个绿色的家庭办公室