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How to Mud Drywall


“泥泞”,将多种薄层的干壁化合物涂覆到的过程joints并拧紧新鸿的干墙,听起来凌乱 - 它是。但是在正确完成的时候,结果是墙壁,如此平坦的是,很少有观察者可以发现下面的接缝。

虽然专业的Drywall Tripers使任务看起来很容易,但是善家发现它需要实践,技能,当然 - 作业的正确的东西(在这种情况下,泥浆本身和防止裂缝出现的磁带在接缝中)。本指南将为您提供主题,以及如何踩泥墙的逐步指导,因此您会感到自信,不像你必须混淆!


The two basic categories of drywall mud, “premixed” and “powdered,” are available in a handful of additional options that can make it tough to choose the right product when faced with a dozen different types in the DIY store.



  • all顺利进行,并在几个小时内开始硬化,这取决于房间里的温度和湿度。它适用于所有泥浆应用,所以如果您是一个泥泞的新手,请使用这个。
  • 顶部泥用作最终涂层。它干燥到明亮的白色,很容易沙,使其成为墙壁的良好选择,将涂上浅色。顶部泥浆的粘附性较少,而不是通用泥浆,所以它不适合第一和第二种外套。
  • 轻质通用泥浆也可以在较轻的阴影中,适合墙壁的墙壁。一些专业专业专业专业用途为第一个泥浆应用使用,然后切换到第二和第三应用的轻量级通用泥浆。


  • 蒂姆ed drywall mud:设置泥浆被标记为最大在它硬化之前必须使用它的时间量。您可以选择5分钟的泥浆,20分钟或更长的硬化时间,具体取决于您的需求。如果使用设置泥浆,只需尽可能多地混合,并在您工作时经常清洗工具。
  • 易于砂设置泥:某些类型的炎热泥浆的化学物质硬化为墙壁上的岩石状脊状,你可以花几个小时试图散发它们。通过选择易于沙砂品种来避免这一点。
How to Mud Drywall


Then, understand the types of drywall tape.

During the mudding process, tape acts as a bond to keep the finished wall from developing cracks along the drywall seams. The different types of tape are “paper,” “mesh,” and “preformed”—and all three have their pros and cons.

  • 纸带is used almost exclusively by the pros because it’s very thin, which helps create imperceptibly smooth joints. Paper tape comes with a crease down the center that allows you to bend it along the crease to form sharp wall corners. It takes practice, however, to correctly bed paper tape in the first coating of wet mud without creating bubbles underneath.
  • Mesh tape由玻璃纤维螺纹制成,采用开放式图案,背面粘合。虽然在干燥的关节上定位网状胶带相当简单,然后在顶部涂上第一层泥浆,网格胶带比纸带厚,并且可以在墙壁涂漆时导致更明显的关节。
  • 预先形成的磁带也称为预成型的“拐角”,可以由纸,塑料,薄金属或材料的组合制成。它用于外墙角落,实现光滑,均匀的外观。一些预先成形的角落需要钉子,而其他成形的拐角需要粘合剂。如果您不相信您可以使用普通纸磁带成功磁带,请尝试预先形成的磁带。
How to Mud Drywall



Primed with an understanding of mudding materials, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the process as outlined here. Because paper tape offers the most professional results, we’ll detail how to mud with paper tape. If you’re using mesh tape, you’ll find some tips below that will help you use it correctly.



STEP 2: If you’re not using premixed mud, mix powdered setting mud.

Remove the lid from the bucket of premixed mud. If using powdered setting mud, mix as recommended by the manufacturer, beating until smooth with a heavy duty钻头fitted with a paddle bit.



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How to Mud Drywall


STEP 4: Cover the mudded joint with a piece of tape.



With the 6-inch knife, apply a thin coat of mud to both sides of an inside corner, making sure to work it all the way into the center. Cut, fold, and fit a strip of pre-creased paper tape in the corner over the wet mud. Smooth the paper tape carefully in the wet mud, using either a 6-inch taping knife or an inside-corner taping tool that features a preformed 90-degree shape for easy bedding. Use light stroking movements to bed the tape without dislodging it from the corner. Wipe excess mud from the walls.

STEP 6: Apply mud to outside corners next.

If using preformed tape corners, attach them as recommended by the manufacturer, and then smooth mud over the corners, using long vertical strokes on both sides to form a sharp, uniform corner.

STEP 7: Mud butt joints last, if necessary.




STEP 9: Apply a second coat of mud to the butt joints, too.

To do a second coat for butt joints, take the 10-inch taping knife, apply two swaths of mud, approximately 8 inches wide, along both sides of the first joint coat,不在原始关节之上。这是不知不觉地在更广泛的区域上产生墙面深度,以减少庞大的对接接缝的外观。用刀羽毛,刀子很好地展开。


在第二层干燥后,涂上第三种非常薄的泥浆。使用10英寸的刀具,用于所有螺纹压痕,接缝和角落。更宽的刀可以让您将泥浆的边缘羽毛到剃刀薄的应用。按照与以前相同的斜角和角落相同的程序。在对接关节上,在以前的条子上涂上一层薄薄的泥土the original mud joint. It’s not unusual for the mud swath on butt joints to be 2 feet wide or wider.

STEP 11: Do the same over any butt joints.

When the mud dries, apply one last thin coat only over the butt joints. Feather out the edges very well and let the mud dry.

STEP 12: Sand the dried mud at the joints and indentations.


How to Mud Drywall

Photo:: istockphoto.com

If you want to use mesh tape to mud drywall…

Unlike paper tape that requires bedding in wet mud, self-adhesive mesh tape is applied over seams and then, when mud is applied, an adequate amount seeps through the mesh into the seam beneath. The order of taping is the same: Do screw indentations and beveled joints first, inside and outside corners next, and butt joints last. If you use mesh tape on flat joints, note that it’s not suitable for corners. Use pre-creased paper tape for inside corners and preformed tape for outside corners.

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