

通过James Kidd

木材尺寸改进S -木材通道在家里tore

Photo: fotosearch.com

Once you’ve managed to secure the necessary approvals for your renovation or construction project, it’s time for the next hurdle: purchasing materials. Whether you’re building a treehouse or putting in a new walk-in closet, chances are you’re going to be looking for what carpenters and contractors call dimensional lumber, or framing lumber. But if you’ve ever walked around a lumberyard or browsed the building supply aisles at your local home center, you know that the experience can be a bit overwhelming. It can be daunting to confront aisles and aisles of floor-to-ceiling racks, each loaded with a confusing array of lumber.For the uninitiated or merely occasional DIYer,购买木材可以是一个恐吓的任务。幸运的是,这是一种疯狂的方法。

Lumber Sizes - Stack of Lumber

Photo: fotosearch.com

第一件事人之一当为您的项目购物时is that there’s a difference between what a board is called—its nominal size—and what it actually measures. For instance, a 2×4 actually measures 1½ inches thick by 3½ inches wide. The discrepancy between a board’s name and its exact measurements has its roots in the way lumber is manufactured. The nominal measurement reflects the approximate size of the fresh lumber before it is dried and planed to meet a consistent profile and dimension.


How Much Is Too Much?
确定你需要多少木材 - 也称为物质起飞,或者MTO-可以是一个繁琐的任务。在我们之前回来carried our smartphones to the hardware store,我们立即访问项目规范和内置计算器,我们将从我们的计划中取出尺寸,并计算我们需要多少木材。这一切都是通过手工完成的,这是一个庞大,耗时的苦难,猖獗,不准确。

但不要烦恼!今天,平均DIYER有更多选择。一些更大,更完整的伐木工和家庭中心可以为您计算起飞。提前呼叫并询问伐木工人,如果他们提供这项服务。如果他们这样做,请务必带上精确的测量 - 没有咖啡染色的餐巾草图,在快餐时完成。如果您可以通过准确的信息向伐木工人提供人们,他们可能能够为您的项目创建简明的起飞,加载其送货卡车,并将所有内容运送到工作现场。如果这条路线没有泛滥,所以家庭改造爱好者和承包商也可以访问一个可以帮助计算大型项目需求的展开软件。PrebuiltML积极起飞,和STACK只是三个非常受欢迎的,易于使用的程序,可以快速准确地生产现场,有组织的材料列表,并释放您必须从缩放绘制中计算实际尺寸。

木材尺寸 - 木材院子

Photo: fotosearch.com

Quality OverQuantity
武装理解木材尺寸并意识到您的项目所需的木材数量,您已准备好购买正确的数量 - 但您可以挑选右侧东西?你怎么能判断你选择的木材是最好的吗?它很容易 - 您需要的所有信息都在董事会上盖章。

Each board is marked with a stamp that identifies the木材等级。木材渐变“选择结构”是罕见的,非常昂贵,最常用于建筑,您希望结构元素可见,因为它们在Lodge风格或木材框架建筑。根据木材的缺陷(如结),根据木材的缺陷(如结),在数量上以1到3鉴定出更多常见的木材等级。1年级将拥有最缺乏的瑕疵。

邮票还将识别木材种类以及木材moisture content(MC)。S-GRN意味着超过19%的木材总重量是水,而S-Dry或Kd的水分含量小于19%,MC15的水分含量为15%或更低。MC越高,董事会越可能缩小和经扭曲,因为它干燥(是的,即使在适当的地方)。所有相同的,这些较便宜的,更高的MC板是临时支撑或支撑正在建造的结构的理想选择。

Finally, when choosing your lumber, look out for these common defects:
• Abow或者从端到端开始的板上的翘曲
• Acheck或者沿着生长环的裂缝,不能通过整个板
• A杯子那or a hollow across the face of the board
• A或生长环之间的谷物分离

As the old saying goes, “a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.” If you’re at all uncertain, ask a professional! But now that you’re acquainted with the basics, at the very least you’ll be better equipped to work with an in-store expert to nail down exactly what you need.