

在马萨诸塞州Mashpee的住宅中,总承包商韦斯•洛尔(Wes Lohr)正在添加收尾细节,比如J&L shutters的Permex百叶窗。开发商乔·瓦勒(Joe Valle)回顾了马萨诸塞州的40B保障性住房法案,约翰·利弗莫尔(John Livermore)研究了房屋如何获得能源之星认证。他还向鲍勃展示了适用于任何家庭的节能产品。屋主凯利和斯科特·雅各布森讲述了当地住房援助公司举办的首次购房者研讨会如何帮助他们发现旨在帮助工薪家庭购买第一套住房的项目。鲍勃和他们聊起了科德角(Cape cod)风格住宅的开放式平面布局、将他们的设计结合在一起的佛蒙特州铸造(Vermont Castings)电壁炉,以及凯莉为厨房挑选的肯莫尔(Kenmore)不锈钢电器。鲍勃还会见了房主金·布朗(Kim Brown),她为自己的肯莫尔(Kenmore)厨房电器选择了枫木(Maple)的串珠板橱柜和黑色饰面。金的农场风格的家,开放式布局,惠而浦高效率,大容量的洗衣系统是完美的年轻家庭。埃玛和雅各布·乔斯林欢迎鲍勃来到他们的科德角风格的家,参观他们的新佛蒙特铸造铸铁电炉。设计师凯瑟琳·凯斯(Katherine Kaess)与他们一起回顾了风水的设计原则,并提出建议,以鼓励生命力量的能量或气在整个家庭的流动。
鲍勃与总承包商韦斯·洛尔(Wes Lohr)在马萨诸塞州马什比(Mashpee)一栋殖民风格的平价住宅会面。住宅的外部正在进行最后的润色,安装了来自JL百叶窗的合成渗透百叶窗。这些坚固,漂亮的百叶窗具有终身保修的缺陷和十年保修的油漆完成从舍温威廉姆斯。鲍勃在马塞诸塞州马什比的一处经济适用房内,那里的工程已接近完工。Bob带我们参观了这座殖民风格住宅中非传统的开放式平面布局。客厅通往宽敞厨房的用餐区。厨房外还有一个房间,可以用作餐厅、书房或游戏室。整个房间都铺着贝拉伍德地板。厨房里已经安装了Kenmore电器。开发者Joe Valle向Bob解释了马萨诸塞州的40B法案。 This statute allows a developer to make full use of the land, without the constraints of stringent town zoning laws, in exchange for the creation of quality affordable homes. This four-acre parcel would typically have two homes, but Act 40B has allowed for the development of 11 homes, four of which are affordable in price. They will sell for half the price of the market homes in the neighborhood. The remaining homes will be sold at market price, but by law all of the houses must be of the same quality, size, workmanship, and layout. Bob meets Kelli and Scott Jacobson and their daughter who will soon be moving into the Cape Cod-style affordable home in Mashpee, Massachusetts. Scott is a contractor and Kelli an at-home Mom. They explain that in this community it would have taken 20 years of savings to enter the housing market. Scott credits Kelli for getting them into a first-time homebuyers seminar at the housing assistance corporation. They all agree it's important to learn what's available in the community, what's being built, and which programs can help families purchase an affordable home. Bob discusses the choices they have made for their new home, including the stainless-steel line of kitchen appliances from Kenmore. Kelli explains that they have a more modern and professional look, which is suited to her love of cooking and entertaining. They will also have a Vermont Castings electric fireplace installed in the dining room that opens onto the living room and the kitchen.




