

鲍勃回到了Melrose的近乎完整的地下室家庭室。新的空间从Dingy进行了进展,潮湿的较低级别到成品的家庭房。他评论了来自Owens Corning的地下室精加工系统,完成了墙壁,天花板和门的房间。为了保持空间水分和无模的,地下室系统已经安装了周边排水,现在设计用于在较低温度下从空气中除去水的除湿器。还安装了一个互锁的地板系统,以防止水渗流并从导电混凝土和有机地板之间的接触腐烂。互锁地板面板连接在地板上,覆盖有填料,并配有铺砌的地毯,布置成营造出独特的图案。易于组装,基于胶合板的滑动式滑动柜,配置和组装,将存储和工作表面空间带到地下室。这些可定制的存储单元具有可调节的塑料脚,可将其放在地板上并容纳不均匀的楼层。加利福尼亚壁橱楼上为衣服提供了衣服,并设计了悬挂墙,鞋展,搁架,局,梳妆台和化妆空间的存储布局。在起居室安装烟囱和遥控,可编程的可编程气体壁炉插入件,安装柔性,不锈钢衬垫和遥控的可编程气体壁炉。

鲍勃解释说,地下室地毯模式可能看起来像墙壁到墙壁地毯,但实际上它是Binvetec地毯瓷砖。该瓷砖不是由长辊组成,而是非粘性方块。瓦片上的图案设计为铺设瓦片的任何方式,创建模式。系统灵活,以允许创造性设计自由。Bob与Slide-Lok的Jered Hamlin谈论了嵌入式存储家具正在建造和安装。Slide-Lok是一个车库储物柜,也可以在家里使用。塑料腿部延伸器用于将柜子放在地板上。Slide-Lok橱柜配有滑动式技术和燕尾床。该机柜系统可以在线配置和购买。在架子滑动之前,在每个接头中施加小胶水。钉子被滑入到位,以将单元连接到墙壁上。 Adjustable plastic legs are put into place to keep the cabinet off the floor and correct any inconsistencies in the floor level. Each unit comes with all the installation screws and hardware needed to put the unit together. The master closet of the Melrose home was redesigned to maximize storage space. Chloe Durant of California Closets met with the homeowner to draw up plans on redesigning the space. The dressers in the closet were cluttered and in the wrong areas while hanging clothes were not accessible. A drawer unit with full extension, ball-bearing slides was selected. Double hanging was put into place where the hanging rack used to stand. Women's shoe shelves were put in to display different shoes. A vanity with jewelry drawer section was installed and a hanging wall with hangers at different heights to keep clothes organized. Adding all the hanging units has resulted in a big gain in the amount of open floor space in the walk-in closet.


