

Hold a Hemline

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How to Hem Your Pants with Duct Tape

Need to hem a pair of pants quickly, but don’t have access to a needle and thread? Duct tape to the rescue! Simply fold the hem of your pants or skirt inward to the desired length, and place duct tape all the way around the edges. No one will be the wiser, and you can easily remove the duct tape later when you're ready to sew the hem. You can also use a piece of duct tape to mend small tears, or to keep a sweater snag from unraveling—push the edges of the tear or snag through to the inside of the服装, and duct tape in place until you can effect permanent repairs.

Related:10 Toolbox Hacks for Your Next DIY Project



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How to Repair Your Car with Duct Tape

导管胶带可用于解决各种各样的car troubles. Use it to prevent a crack from worsening on a windshield, to tape up a broken taillight, to reattach a dangling rear-view or side-view mirror, or to keep a hood or trunk lid shut until you can get to the repair shop. Also consider taping a spare car or house key to the undercarriage of your vehicle or inside a wheel well; you'll be grateful it's there if you lose your keys.




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使用管带胶带密封地下墙,水管周围的小孔或间隙,或其他任何地方都可以入侵。为了捕获蚂蚁和其他爬行昆虫,将一块管道带沿着地下地板的边缘或地板托在地板之间铺设粘滞带。strips or loops of tape from the basement ceiling can assist in catching flying pests.

Related:A Dozen 10-Minute DIYs for a Pest-Free Home



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How to Stop Leaks with Duct Tape

If you have a small hole in a boat, canoe, or kayak, use duct tape to make a watertight patch that will get you underway until repairs can be made. Apply the duct tape underneath the hull, as the water pressure will help keep it in place. You can also use duct tape to patch holes in other outdoor gear, such as canvas covers,camping帐篷,甚至撕裂的遮阳伞。



Lift Off Lint

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How to Remove Lint and Hair with Duct Tape

通过将管道带 - 粘性侧面 - 围绕旧涂料滚筒制成一个巨型棉绒滚筒;用它来从室内装潢,窗帘和灰尘中移除宠物头发和灰尘carpeting. For smaller jobs, like your navy blue blazer, loop a length of duct tape around your hand and press it all over the fabric to remove the traces of your furry friends.

Related:15 Remarkably Easy Ways to Create a Dust-Free Home



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Use several layers of duct tape to create a wrap to corral extension or long appliance cords. For added organization, consider assigning a color to each type of—for example, pink for phone accessories and green for TV cables. To avoid getting adhesive on the wires, fold the tape strip in half, leaving the ends at their full width. After winding the tape around the cords, press the two sticky ends together to seal.




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How to Fix a Hole in a Window Screen

If you discover a small tear or hole in awindow screen,使用一条胶带作为临时补丁,直到您可以购买替代品。它和撕裂,棍子一样简单!

Related:Time's Up - 9 Things to Repair in Your Home Before It's Too Late



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How to Remove Glass Residue with Duct Tape

它可能似乎是违反直观的,但导管胶带实际上可以用来去除顽固,粘性残留物left behind by other adhesives, especially on glass surfaces. Place a piece of duct tape over the sticky mess, rub a few times, and peel it away. Keep in mind that it might take a few applications to thoroughly strip off all the residue. Finish by wiping the area with alcohol or window cleaner.

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If you find yourself with a nasty碎片,使用一块管材胶带将其移除,然后再将其更深入地进入敏感肉体。管胶带也可以是深切割的临时绷带,将皮肤边缘握住,尽量减少损失,直到您可以寻求医疗注意力。对于扭伤或破碎的骨骼,使用管带和刚性粘贴来制作临时夹板以固定受影响的区域。




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How to Make Rope with Duct Tape

将长一块胶带扭入一个to use as a temporary clothesline. You can even combine several lengths of duct-tape rope to fashion a stronger chain that can help you achieve other heavy-lifting feats, such as crafting a sling to carry large objects or binding together items for moving or storage.




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Extend the useful lifespan of householdessentials通过塑料垃圾桶或储物箱中的胶带裂缝。其他塑料家园和园林用品 - 真空吸尘器软管,桶,播种机,院子灯,或者只是关于你的棚子的任何东西 - 也可以从管道胶带治疗中受益。

Related:小奇迹 - 9个惊人的家居维修产品


Create Crafts

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胶带是一个加的必不可少的成分sive number of craft projects. Use a colorful or classic gray roll to construct, among numerous other items, a shock-resistant cellphone sheath, personalized textbook covers,doll housefurniture, flashlight headlights for your bicycle, quirky floral arrangements, or fun and unusual Halloween costumes.

Related:15 Lazy Ways to Make a Big Change in Your Home


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