17 Creative Ways to Reuse Cardboard Boxes

While technology is constantly giving us new ways of doing things, there are some things that stubbornly stay the same. Take the good old cardboard box, for example: 90 percent of all products shipped in the United States are still sent using some type of cardboard packaging. So what do we do with all of it once items have been safely removed from their boxes? Unfortunately, we usually break down the boxes and toss them in recycling—but if we would just give it a little thought, the possibilities are almost endless. Cardboard can be bent, cut, painted, wrapped, and configured in almost any way you can imagine. And, as you will see, upcycled cardboard doesn't have to remain in the realm of kids' play forts or drab storage containers. Here are 11 creative ideas for turning excess cardboard into functional household items you will want to show off.


DIY Postcards

A handwritten thank-you card will never go unappreciated. So what could be better thanusing the original gift boxto craft your message? Cardboard "postcards" can be sent as is; no envelope needed.


Dinner Circles

DIY Napkin Ring

Whip up a set of these delightful napkin rings with a cardboard tube from a roll of plastic wrap or foil. About one-quarter yard ofyour favorite fabricwill be more than enough for eight rings; usefabric glueor double-sided tape to secure the cloth to the inside of each cardboard coil.


Contain Your Excitement

DIY Planter Box

Here's a natural idea: Dress up a simple cardboard box with a few embellishments, then line it with a plastic bag poked with a few drainage holes. You are now ready tomove a plant into a pretty new home


Child's Play

DIY Kids Toy

Help little ones hone their fine motor skills with this clever shape-sorter toy.Fluted dowel pinsmake it easy to guide the colorful shapes into place.

Related:5 Classic Wood Games You Can Make Yourself


Stylish Storage

DIY Storage Tote

Making this trio of storage totes is simpler than you might think. Gold screw bolts andspray adhesivehold the fabric covers in place, and an old belt finds new purpose as a carrying strap. VisitBrit + Co.for the tutorial.

Related:5 Things to Do with… Cardboard Boxes


Cat Scratch Fever

DIY Cat Scratch Post

Save your furniture—andimpress your favorite feline—with this scratching pad made from corrugated cardboard boxes. The painted outer rim is optional.



DIY Maze

Ifyou just movedor happened to get a delivery of large appliances, you can make a cardboard maze that will entertain the kids for hours. Cut a doorway or two into each box and join it to the others using sturdy plastic clips.


Coasting Along

DIY Cardboard Coaster

Cardboard, decorative duct tape, and a good pair of scissors are all you need to make thesedrink coasters on the fly。奖金用途:保护地板上也使great furniture sliders!


Tag, You're It

DIY Gift Tag

Whether you use them as gift tags or as a way of labeling different boxes, bags, or containers around the house, cardboard is an easy and free way to mark your stuff.


In the Weeds

DIY Weed Treatment

Cardboard is a sturdy yet compostable material, which makes it anatural solution for a weed problem。Just place flat pieces of cardboard on your weed-prone area, watering thoroughly to help them stay put. When you're done, add soil or mulch on top to camouflage the cardboard.


Clever Crafting

DIY Paint Palette

Sometimes it's nice not to overthink it. Any craft project will be easier with this cardboardpaint palette, complete with a handy thumb hole to keep things in balance.


Magazine Files

Magazine File

There's almost never a lack of cereal boxes going into the recycling bin. Make a stylish magazine file by cutting it to the proper size and covering it with decorative paper or fabric.Instant organization


Party Decor

Party Decor

No need to go to the party store for decor. Make a flowergarlandlike this before your next event with cardboard paper towel rolls. Just paint, bend, glue and string together. So pretty.



DIY Wall Art

Blank油画是昂贵的。但是鞋盒上衣are not. Give them a coat of primer and white paint and then treat them just as you would a canvas. Decorate at will!


Bird Feeder

DIY Bird Feeder

This is the recycler's take on the traditional pine conebird feeder。Use a cardboard toilet paper roll as your base. Cover it with peanut butter and roll it in bird seed. Then slip a string or ribbon through it and hang from a tree close to your window. Let the show begin!


Gift Bags

DIY Gift Bags

These suitcase styledgift bagswere made by cutting a cardboard cereal box into shape and painting it brown. A few decorative accoutrements later, and you have a memorable goodie bag to send home with your guests.


Fabric Picture Mats

DIY Picture Matting

Why use a plain-Jane picture mat from the craft store, when you can customize one with fabric? Thin cardboard, like that from acereal boxor notepad backing is perfect for this. Just cut it to the appropriate size and use spray adhesive and Mod Podge to add your fabric. It will frame your photos beautifully.


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