Debunking 5 Metal Roof Myths

Learn the truth about five common misconceptions that involve metal roofing.

Fact or Fiction?

Fact or Fiction?

Myths and legends get started for all sorts of people and places—even building materials!Metal roofinghas more than its share, perhaps because it has undergone so many transformations over the years. Here are five of the most common myths about metal roofing.

CLC Roofing,inc.

Lightning Strikes

Lightning Strikes

A metal roof will increase the likelihood of your house getting struck by lightning?While metal conducts electricity, electricity is not drawn to it. Since a metal roof is non-combustible, it is actually safer than some otherroof types像木头。


Rain Makes a Racket

Rain Makes a Racket

Metal roofs are noisy in the rain?Not so. Since the roof is generally installed over an existing roof with attic space andinsulation, it is generally no louder than other roof types. It may even be quieter.

The Usual Bliss

Hail Damage

Hail Damage

Metal roofs are susceptible to damage by hail?While extremely large hailstones can dent ametal roof, normal-size hail will not. With textured roofs, minor denting is even less readily visible.

Metal Panelsinc.

Walk About

Walk About

You can't walk on a metal roof?You can, but you have to know how to do it without causing damage. Check with the manufacturer of the product you choose.


Extra Cold in Winter

Extra Cold in Winter

A metal roof will make your house colder in winter?Actually, a metal roof has no effect on the temperature of the typical vented attic inwinter. It’s the insulation under (or on top of) the floor of your attic that keeps you warm.

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