

上午03点26 |14年7月22日
为了谁张贴的化学气味问题的人 - 我有它呢!我是10年的老房子原来的主人,板坯在南卡罗来纳州级(无地下室)。闻到衣柜的中间楼层开始。剥去了地毯,密封地板,新的填充和地毯。味道“感动”。闻转移到我的卧室地板。剥去了地毯,密封地板,新垫和地毯。闻搬到了我的浴室和车门之间的卡纸。有混凝土无裂纹,无明显的水。它的那么糟糕,你可以躺在毛巾放在地板上,等待5-10分钟,然后把它捡起来,你会用农药味打翻(闻起来就像你在团队中能浸湿毛巾)。 Ive called pesticide division at Clemson and had everyone out here trying to figure out what it is - no one knows. I do NOT have exterior bug spray or termite treatment in years (but Clemson said that's not it because it would disapate - not get worse). None of my neighbors have problems. Smell comes and goes. Tonight it is so bad, you can smell it from the front door (and its raining hard outside. Anyone have any ideas? (and its not a dead animal - its been getting worse for the last 4 years, no cracks in floors, no water noted, checked with pest control, contractors, plumbers, electricians - just think about a can of Raid - that's what it smells like). No one comes to visit anymore and some even think I might contact a priest! Please help!


下午9点27 |15年3月2日





下午9点31 |15年4月7日




下午3时24 |15年7月8日


上午7时37 |15年7月10日



10:07PM | 04/14/16


05:10PM | 05/16/16


上午07点01 |16年6月20日


09:57AM | 09/30/16






04:25PM | 05/10/17
嗨……我是原版海报。运气不好,情况更糟。谢谢那个建议使用除湿器的海报。我买了2 + 2高端空气净化器,一天24小时。气味来了,敌人也来了,但有些日子却难以忍受。到海报上写着他在“外面”。在另一个小区,工人们正在一家乡村俱乐部大门处挖掘管道和植物,当我经过时,我闻到了味道!它疯了!我要试试彩虹机……公司出来了,用木炭系统来清洁空气……如果有用,我会让你们知道的。


上午十二时56 |17年12月22日


上午12时17 |18年1月27日




08:13PM | 05/28/18


11:44AM | 08/29/18


上午06时08 |18年12月31日


上午10时06 |19年3月22日




晚上| 04/02/19


07:04PM | 07/08/19


12:04PM | 07/14/19
我刚进入一个全新的开发阶段,我遇到了同样的问题。这是一种冒烟的化学气味。它现在也在我所有的衣服里。我特别能从一堵墙上闻到它的味道。就像从墙上冒出来的烟一样。我在房子里走的时候不时地闻到一股怪味。整个车库都有臭味。当我为旅行而活,几天后回来(当我离开时门窗都关着,没有通风设备),气味是可怕的!这也是一种令人作呕的气味。如果我离开一杯水,我可以在我的水里品尝它。 Management can’t figure it out. I think it’s whatever material they used to make the walls because now that it’s summer it seems that the walls are heating up and releasing more of this smell.


上午12时12 |19年7月16日


上午12时23 |19年7月18日
有没有人想出什么(或者)的bug喷雾气味可能来自哪里?直到今天,直到我被一个下午洪水后不久,走在财产我都没有注意到这一点。我认为这有可能会被我们的下水道今天备份,因为下雨的一切,但它一直超干燥超过一个星期,所以我看不出有任何理由为什么它会被备份。空气有一个甜蜜的错误喷雾气味它,它似乎并没有接近比它是在谷仓后面的场排水领域的任何更强。这就像它无处不在。幸运的是,我没有遇到屋内的气味。不知道这有什么差别,但我们的房子是130yrs老用红色花岗岩基础,我们没有在任何施工混凝土或水泥除了在地窖4英寸的层。至于气味之外,那么我们就必须在最初建立是一个车库的财产背山寨状结构。建筑的四分之三是由水泥块构成。话虽这么说,对这个特定建筑物的内部无异味。 I'm completely baffled by this. Before I hire my sewers cleaned, I thought maybe I'd check here to see if anyone figured this phenomenon out.


10:27PM | 08/01/19


上午07时29 |19年8月5日
像satans工作得心应手这整个事情的声音..大家抱怨同样的气味是propegates在特定时间消退,变得更糟时热出,一些嗅觉在户外,但它仍然只得到在特定区域产生的......让我想到的分解所述表面下方的材料发生,像氡..说不上。我得到了同样的问题,但不是突袭气味。我的是像有人的气息,他们吃了大蒜丸老奶后..像一个奇怪的seawage煤气味..不好,wonr FO离开要么..


日22:58 |19年9月2日


下午5点31 |19年9月29日


上午11:02 |19年12月13日


十一点| 01/06/20


07:32PM | 01/09/20
嗨!我们建立了一个新的房子在今年和21/2个月菜单前移动。几周之内,我有皮肤烧灼样我是骑裸体4wheeler在0°天气天。这是excru!它继续建立和建设,所以我们退到我的儿子的房间。现在,在这一点上,我有我的脚雷诺兹疾病BC无论个人所得税是导致重大问题。现在最新的是所有加我的脊髓伤害我的肾脏为好。也可以是燃烧的眼睛,喉咙和肺部服务器和手臂疼痛。现在,我的儿子喉咙生与服务器咳嗽和呼吸问题,未能茁壮成长和服务器恶心。另外我的狗开始是昏昏欲睡和所有人一样,失去了所有的头发在他的耳朵。 Latest is my I’ve been is having Gastro p i’ve been is having Gastro until Robles’s and vomiting also eyes and we all have had sever headaches. Told my husband that he had 30 days to figure this out and I don’t care if it totally destroyed us financially that I didn’t want it when we were walking away because I wasn’t willing to sell it to make someone else sick. When it first began we could leave the house and go somewhere else and it would not follow us. Now at this point I can see a fog but the rest of my family cannot and I can smell some kind of disgusting smell that does smell like raid and it also smells like maple syrup outside my back door and my front door this morning which was oddly strange. My has been contacted our builder and he sent the air conditioning people over here and I said we did have sheet rock dust in our duck syst now at this point I can see a fog but the rest of my family cannot and I can smell some kind of disgusting smell that does smell like raid and it also smelled like maple syrup outside my back door and my front door this morning which was oddly strange. My husband contacted our builder and he sent the air conditioning people over here and I said we did have sheet rock dust in our duct system however I just don’t think that’s the problem it might not be helping anything but this. Fume has been slowly killing me for the last 21/2 months now it’s starting to kill the rest of my family is well and I’m not gonna just sit back here and watch my family die a slow agonizing death. The smell is all over every single thing that is inside my house it gets in our drinks now it is in our cars when we go in other places it follows us and if we stay there will contaminate i. This is such bullshit I just luckily found all of you people !!! I have been doing research I have had the mold people come out I was sure it was mold it was negative so we did formaldehyde and we did the I have been doing research I have had the mold people come out I was sure it was mold it was negative so we did formaldehyde and we did the VOC and it all came back negative. I was certain it was gonna be formaldehyde Because Nail sent my son has been affected and within the last few days when we leave here and I go into TJ Maxx or an Old Navy or Tuesday morning HomeGoods anywhere like that I can get back to the blankets or towels or stuff like that and my son and beat Lee starts coughing like crazy he can’t breathe and my skin set on fire al because Nail sent my son has been affected and within the last few days when we leave here and I go into TJ Maxx or in Old Navy or Tuesday morning home goods anywhere like that I can get back to the blankets or towels or stuff like that and my son and beat Lee starts coughing like crazy he can’t breathe and my skin sits on fire so our eyes. The craziest thing I have ever experienced and I feel like I’m helpless and there’s absolutely nobody I can call to help me and everybody thinks you’re crazy and it doesn’t exist because they don’t have the symptoms like you do!! However at Christmas we did our ugly sweater contest and I didn’t wear one because my skin was absolutely Rall and I have to wear soft stuff so everyone put their sweaters on instantly my face went red and everybody could see this chemical reaction happening on my face and my body and all I was doing was sitting there I’m mediately told everyone to take them off and get them outside and I was messed up for the rest of the night severely.Husband and son rush me to urgent care on Christmas Eve and finally I got a doctor and he looked at me and he immediately said I had lupus I thought I had found the cure even though I was crying I want a cure to get better this was before my son and husband started having severe problems except for the constant nausea. Which by the way nobody could tell me what wa husband and son rushed me to urgent care on Christmas Eve and finally I got a doctor and he looked at me and he immediately said I had lupus I thought I had found the cure even though I was crying I want a cure to get better this was before my son and husband started having severe problems except for the constant nausea. Which by the way nobody could tell me what was causing either. So on Christmas I got a message from my medical records and it confirmed that I had blood in my urine so I was positive that it was lupus will guess what the lupus test was negative!!! My son and myself had to be rushed to the ER a couple of nights ago and they did nothing to help us set our blood work was normal I feel so hopeless !!! I am not crazy I’m not losing my mind something is happening to my family and I feel like everyone is going to die before I figure this out! I told my husband I hate it here I wish we would’ve never built this house this is so much trauma and I don’t want to come back and I cry and Sunday I told him I was on the brink of a nervous break down!!! I called the air-conditioning guy who was still next-door after I went downstairs and I smelled this horrendous horrendous smell I didn’t really know this is what constant building and building and I smelled the raid smell I couldn’t describe it to anyone my husband can’t smell the chemical and my son can’t smell the chemical . So the air-conditioning guy came back and he said I smell it it smells like a chemical I think it might be from your polished concrete floors. I had acid stain floors at my old house and we had no smell whatsoever in my floor they were absolutely beautiful and I love them!!!! That makes sense because if it is on the floor my dog myself my husband my son we walked all over the floor and then we come upstairs. But a couple of times I’ve went in my master bed room and in the bathroom I’ll smell this real foul foul smell and it will be just for a little bit and it will go away and I’ve only smelled it a couple of times they had to come in and re-dig up and jackhammer the concrete under the stand-alone tub to fix it and they said that they original plumber is really jacked stuff up I didn’t even think about that until I read somebody else saying that it’s the plumbing for and also it’s the septic tank causing the smell when it’s decomposing and letting off that gas. But a couple of times of went in my Bester bed room and in the bathroom I’ll smell this real fail fail smell and it will be just for a little bit and it will go away and I’ve only smelled it a couple of times they had to come in and re-dig up and jackhammer the concrete under the stand-alone tub to fix it and they said that they original plumbers really jacked stuff up I didn’t even think about that until I read somebody else saying that it’s the plumbing for and also it’s the septic tank causing the smell when it’s decomposing and let know if that gas whatever is in my house it is definitely a gas and I can feel it that’s why I was certain that we had formaldehyde because it absolutely lets off the fog . In the midst of all this I found some purifying systems to put in my house so I spent $2000 not counting the financial hemorrhaging that we are doing since we’ve moved in here trying to fix or correct or do something for a problem eating out constantly because I’m afraid for my family to cook or eat here it’s just absolutely ridiculous and once again I hate it here this was totally a freaking mistake and I wish we would’ve never done it!!! in the midst of all this I found some purifying systems to put in my house so I spent $2000 not counting the financial hemorrhaging that we are doing since we’ve moved in here trying to fix or correct or do something for a problem eating out constantly because I’m afraid for my family to cook or eat here it’s just absolutely ridiculous and once again I hate it here this was totally a freaking mistake and I wish we would’ve never done it After I got my results from the test for the gas is today I was in total shock and dismay because they were negative and so I called the sales guy at the purifying store And I had also ordered in my stuff from the purifying system that was supposed to be here tomorrow stuff for my clothes which will get out any toxic gases he also sent me a spray that you can use to clean your stuff and it D neutralizes the smell he suggested that he thought immediately when I told him that my gas test as were negative that it was the floor well that was a second person today that they thought this was coming from my floor he said we just need to spray it leave it on there for 20 minutes warm hot water after the 20 minutes and it will they neutralize the smell and will never have to worry about it again!!!!!! and I had also ordered in my stuff from the purifying system that was supposed to be here tomorrow stuff for my clothes which will get out any toxic gases he also sent me a spray that you can use to clean your stuff and it didn’t neutralizes the smell he suggested that he thought immediately when I told him that my gas tester‘s were negative that it was the floor well that was a second person today that they thought this was coming from my floor he said we just need to spray it leave it on there for 20 minutes warm hot water after the 20 minutes and it will they neutralize the smell and will never have to worry about it again !!!!!!! I do not know if this is going to fix my problem I pray with everything inside me because if it doesn’t and we don’t figure it out we are going to leave before my family is not going to die in this place it’s not worth it I would rather go through financial ruin might lose my credit score our cars motorcycle and everything leave everything here even pictures my ornaments that I bought my children since they’ve been born and all my videos everything that absolutely kills me because I don’t want to lose the stuff of my children and my nanny that I lost a couple years ago !!!! If it works I will post and let you guys know on Monday whether or not this is the solution also I’ll have the information for the air purifying system that I bought so if you guys are having any of this problem and you want to try what I tried if it actually works maybe it will help some of you!!!! I am so sorry that this is happening to you guys because I know I have been completely suffering and now watching them suffer it sucks not being able to fix them because I’m the mom that’s what I do and I can’t do anything I feel so helpless !!!! But still ultimately pisses me off at my new house I have to go spend thousands of dollars to be able to make it to where I can exist in this home I think that’s ridiculous and it’s total bull crap!!! we are going to contact the builder again to discuss what we’re gonna do about the air ducks and all that and also I’m going to have them check into the septic system because that makes total sense to me so hopefully that’s the answer if the D neutralizer isn’t !!!! Talk with you guys soon I hope you get well !!!!


06:34PM | 01/21/20






干P-陷阱地漏。PLUSE turnmon空气交换。


09:23PM | 02/21/20


12:49AM | 03/13/20





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