

07:51 AM |11/30/18
我最近经历过我几乎完全翻新的厨房的洪水。2 MOSE前我安装了一个新的水槽和水龙头。我不经常使用它。十个我的厨房水槽被淹没,对台面的岛屿和底部区域的严重损坏了 - 8英尺。我向我的公寓内警告保安人员,谁告诉我一个小时或2个水管工。没有能够帮助的员工得到警告。我擦拭并保护了该地区,篷布。当帮助确实到达时,除了发现锡型塑料之外,还提供了许多信息。我通知它是一个新的且几乎用过的水槽,如果这个微小的物体是它没有来自我的因素。我向我的保险公司报告了这一事件。调整后调整并要求物业经理的名称$ ph no。 I provided it. In under 5 min. she called back and said claim denied and hung up. I learned from a source that the manager put the blame on me. No surprise. I had already learned that this condo was seriously lacking in ethics. The conclusion was that it was a sewage spill. My neighbors did not have any problems & we share the same system. Therefore I caused the problem. That my claim was denied in a matter of minutes bothered me. One thing that I do know is that this building has ongoing problems with its water system. I have learned that this man is the type that cannot be trusted. I wondered about the claim being denied because I had purchased a new Water Damage Enhanced package a year ago. When I called the company this did not show up on my file.I have experienced every nightmare reno problem imaginable. 2 years plus and the reno is not finished. The new flooring broke& on & on. I need Bob Villa himself to come and get this renovation completed. The flooring that had been put in was defective & when it broke, it broke. I became very ill. I was never comfortable with this condo concept. I had been taken and in knowing this remembered the words Caveat Emptor. The people in this world - agents, contractors will flat out lie. Anything so they can walk away with some coin. The flooding occurred just when there was light at the end of the tunnel. Can anyone offer some information or advice regarding the sewage back up & the blame being placed on me. I would be very thankful.





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