

总承包商Kevin和Betsy Kalman向Bob汇报了目前的进展情况。泥瓦匠们正在努力建造壁炉,这是一个特殊的高级粘土拉姆福德壁炉。外面,Bob和Jeff Davis(来自Chadsworth的柱子)负责安装沿门廊的新柱子。在里面,最后的工作正在拉姆福德火箱上进行。

亚博老虎机网页版鲍勃·维拉:吉姆,这种折射灰浆会很快成型吗?它和普通灰浆有什么不同吗?吉姆:它的工作原理和普通的研钵差不多。它确实能更快地成型,但它是高温砂浆。鲍勃:现在我们有少量的预制喉部需要安装在顶部的区域,对吗?吉姆:是的。设置我们之前说过的弯曲的一排,使气流保持层流状态,使这些被浪费的加热的房间空气通过烟囱上升,通过层流,它允许烟留在后面,所以我们可以建立一个高的盒子,没有它。鲍勃:所以这是伦福德伯爵的两个关键要素之一,就是高、浅、反光的壁炉。在这里。那是什么重量?吉姆:大概有200磅重。 Bob: These guys are strong. Jim: Yeah, they are strong. Bob: The throat itself will not be visible once the rest of the chimney comes to together, right? Jim: Exactly right. The throat is right at the top of the opening, and they'll lay block across it, and it'll be a smooth, finished opening, no lower than that, but the throat will be hidden behind the block. Bob: Yeah, it's a shame because it has a pretty shape. It almost looks like an oriental pagoda. Jim: You can always get in the fireplace and look at it. [background noise] Bob: Is it proper to use the same refractive mortar even on the back side of it, once you've gotten away from the firebox itself? Jim: It's not necessary to back it up with refractive mortar. Everywhere there's a lining, like the flues and the smoke chamber pieces should be put together with refractive mortar because it's close to the flue surfaces. Behind it, it doesn't need to be refractive. Bob: So, the cast iron damper goes into place. [background noise] Bob: Then, Jim, the clay piece that you've got over there is one of two components, right? Jim: This is half of a smoke chamber. The other half goes the other way, but when we put this in here, then that will make the transition from the throat area where the damper is to the flue sides. Bob: And the flue then begins to go up? Good.



