

由于机械、管道、排水和防潮的升级已经完成,所以梅尔罗斯、马萨和地下室的改造已经进入了最后阶段。钢板轨道被拧入混凝土地板和托梁中,作为新的钢钉的载体,这些钢钉经过修剪和折叠,形成坚固、防潮和防霉的框架系统。欧文斯康宁(Owens Corning)地下室装修系统™采用PVC管道进行安装,可以实现无钉安装。这些聚烯烃覆盖的玻璃纤维面板被评为R-11能源效率,可能有助于节省高达25%的当前能源成本。吊顶、装饰、造型和门给空间一个干净、完整的外观。楼梯通过钻入混凝土的柱子和纵梁进行加固,并通过胶合板支撑和加强踏板到立管的连接进行加固。哈维哈维陛下定制,节能复合窗户安装后,旧的窗扇已被删除,空隙充满泡沫和填塞为一个紧密的,有效的安装。当Bob了解到购买这样一个整体装修系统的相关成本时,Owens Corning的Suzie Mitchell解释说,研究表明,90%的与地下室装修相关的成本可以在一年之内收回。

光伏建筑公司的Paul Viliott展示了如何将旧的地下室窗户换成新的。Viliott首先把所有的塞子都拉出来,割断腰带,然后取下腰带。因为窗户太旧了,很容易拆除。Viliott从框架内移除窗框的重量,并用绝缘材料填充空腔。在窗户上涂上粘合剂,然后把窗户固定好。Viliott检查以确保安装的窗口是水平的。然后用螺丝固定这些部件。外部有一个小的缺口,Viliott通过在缺口中安装一条用填塞密封的PVC条来修复它。鲍勃与哈维工业公司的肯·亨德森谈论了新窗口的特点和好处。亨德森解释说,安装的更换窗户不会破坏外部和内部装饰。 The windows are manufactured on the quarter inch so any particular opening can be matched perfectly with less carpentry involved. The window also features thermal glass with a low-e coating and crypton gas. The interior of the window has a pine grid which can be stained or painted. Behind the pine is a aluminum component to give the window grid some more depth. The window has an Energy Star rating and a locking screen to prevent insects from entering the home. Bob talks with Suzanne Mitchell and Frank Palmeri of Owens Corning about the basement finishing system. Mitchell explains that the walls are perfect for kids as they are durable and stain resistant. Dirt comes off with just soap and water. Mitchell explains basements can make for difficult remodeling projects. Palemeri tells Bob that Owens Corning has a certified training program for installation of their Basement Finishing System. Palmeri says the cost of the project is dependent on the scope of the job but runs about $40-60 per square foot. Mitchell points out that homeowners can recoup up to 90 percent of the cost of the basement remodel within the first year.


