

这一集的鲍勃维拉将集中在屋顶,他亚博老虎机网页版们是如何建立和约束,以保持结构安全。来自联邦安全住房联盟FLASH的Leslie Chapman-Henderson解释了FLASH如何将有关安全住房技术和实践的信息带到全美各地的家庭,以保护他们免受洪水、大风、冰雹和野火的袭击。查普曼-亨德森解释了一个相互连接的房子是如何作为一个系统来击退风的推力和拉力的。Simpson Strong-Tie公司的兰迪·沙克尔福德(Randy Shackelford)向鲍勃展示了嵌入式桁架锚,它将固定屋顶框架的每个桁架构件,以及为抵抗风的上升力而设计的加固系带和重型连接器。杰西·冈萨雷斯(Jesse Gonzalez)带着鲍勃穿过钢框架的内部,里面有一间主卧套房和一间浴室,还有很多开放空间。汉森屋顶瓦片公司(Hanson Roof Tiles)的巴特•考克斯(Bart Cox)带来了工厂生产的挤压水泥粘土样瓦片,这些瓦片是为机械安装而预先钻孔的。D. Peck屋面公司的Dave Peck解释说,更硬的5/8英寸胶合板护套,30磅重的钉毡,用沥青热拖地,再用90磅重的毡覆盖,可以制成坚固的防水屋面板。金属钉板使帽瓦在风吹时保持在适当的位置。
鲍勃在重述蓬塔戈尔达,佛罗里达州,在那里一个家建于20世纪60年代完全被查理飓风风和水破坏的项目。鲍勃回顾了旨在打击风暴潮和侵入水,根据砖和升降机结构得到柱壁和楼板施工。他还谈到了那个钢筋钢筋和丝网混凝土浇前的混凝土墙。有了保持门窗洞口窗口块钱,坚实的墙壁倾倒一次全部,工作只花了四小时才能完成。最后,鲍勃着眼于风暴备份完全拆除邓丽君Fogelini和吉姆·米纳迪车队的主场。他指出,FLASH,联邦联盟安全住房的工作,工作,他们做推广建筑技术,将帮助家庭抵御未来风暴的风和水。鲍勃是由联邦联盟安全屋(FLASH)的莱斯利·查普曼 - 亨德森在蓬塔戈尔达,佛罗里达州的风暴准备的房子加入。查普曼 - 亨德森解释说,Flash是安德鲁飓风以后出生带来更安全的建筑技术到房主在飓风区域的信息。自那时以来,FLASH扩展了其工作遍及全国各地,帮助教育保护自己的家园,从自然的力量像风,水,冰雹,森林火灾,地震房主。她告诉鲍勃房主花每250年十亿美元的家庭装修。 Chapman-Henderson urges homeowners to think about safety and enhanced protection when making home improvements. Roofs are a key threshold of protection in a storm-ready house, she says. Reinforced concrete walls are a great start, but it is essential to keep the roof tied down. Chapman-Henderson explains how wind works dynamically, pulling and pushing on a house to peel off the roof. The only way to keep a house together is to maintain the connections between the roof and the walls, the floors and the walls, and the walls with the foundation. When a house works as a unit, it stays together. Bob and Chapman-Henderson look at the engineered truss system that supports the roof and ties it into the walls to distribute the wind load that will hit it during a hurricane. Randy Shackelford of Simpson Strong-Tie joins Bob on site at the storm-ready house in Punta Gorda, Florida. Shackelford looks at an assortment of ties for new and retrofit applications with masonry, trusses, girders, and joists. He starts with the embedded truss anchors that were wet set four inches deep in the poured concrete walls, as the trusses are positioned, a truss anchor wraps around and is nailed to each truss, tying it directly into the reinforced walls of the house. When Bob questions retrofit applications, Shackelford shows him a specially developed truss anchor that is screwed into existing masonry before being wrapped around and nailed to the trusses. He also shows Bob basic truss anchors that are designed to combat up to 1,500 pounds of wind uplift and heavy girder connectors that can carry as much as 5,000 pounds in wind loads.

