

鲍勃回来在蓬塔戈尔达,佛罗里达州,那里的电气系统,管道和墙壁上的内部工作正在进行风暴准备的房子。在出外旋弧线,超大的前门完成对建筑围护结构的密封。它安装在反对任何旨在保持门从下吹或水吹了预制混凝土唇一个1.75英寸的门槛。作为风保护措施,门转动出这么风不会迫使它开放,在风暴引起的风渗透和加压。鲍勃检查出来的布线安装和管道工作,然后回顾了他在PGT窗厂参观和耐冲击的窗户和阳台滑块安装。鲍勃走过阶梯弓,导致了开放式厨房/家庭区和卧室超越。Georgia-Pacific公司的有萨德·古德曼安装DensArmor加玻纤墙板。由于没有用于粘合剂的纸或糖和淀粉,该玻璃纤维面石膏是不透霉菌和昆虫。在潮湿保持房子干燥气候防止损坏霉菌生长。科勒发电机和广场d /施耐德电气控制箱将保持房子功能,凉爽,干燥在风暴或停电的情况。
鲍勃是在蓬塔戈尔达,佛罗里达州,风暴,准备回屋了安装防飓风前门。从奔驰房屋杰西·冈萨雷斯加入鲍勃安装了防撞击侧精简版超大的前门。如家的窗户,门安装agains预铸造唇缘,以便它可以在风暴期间抵抗吹项。窗台和增加的混凝土唇也将有助于防止水渗入保护风暴中。门是不寻常的,因为它向外摆动,该功能将帮助保持和机智的房子信封时,大风压力。鲍勃加入电工何塞·罗德里格斯,他在风暴准备的房子安装在金属框架的布线。罗德里格斯使用塑料盒塑料法兰容纳接线。Rodriguez的还附加一个保护指甲板在其中它穿过垫条布线。然后,将导线绑在螺柱和向下运行到它们被连接的框。鲍勃重述的PGT窗口厂区里的风暴准备的房子耐冲击的窗户制造和测试的访问。 He reviews the violent impact testing they undergo and how they are laminated with DuPont Buticite in between the layers of glass to prevent a puncture or penetration that could lead to total building failure. The heavy slider panels are installed and adjusted to make a solid, secure, and smooth sliding door set. Bob joins Dan Gerry from Tranquility Plumbing as they punch holes in the metal studs for the CPVC tubing that will carry the hot and cold water through the house. Gerry admits that it is somewhat easier to install plumbing in metal studs, because it's faster to punch out the metal than to drill standard wood framing. Gerry also describes how drains, waste pipes, and flow pipes were set before the slab was poured. The CPVC pipe runs through the punched holes and is fitted with pipe tights to protect the pipe from puncture and eliminate noise from vibrating pipes against metal studs. Bob watches as a sink tie-in is cut, fitted, and installed with adhesive. Bob joins Dan Gerry from Tranquility Plumbing as they punch holes in the metal studs for the CPVC tubing that will carry the hot and cold water through the house. Gerry admits that it is somewhat easier to install plumbing in metal studs, because it's faster to punch out the metal than to drill standard wood framing. Gerry also describes how drains, waste pipes, and flow pipes were set before the slab was poured. The CPVC pipe runs through the punched holes and is fitted with pipe tights to protect the pipe from puncture and eliminate noise from vibrating pipes against metal studs. Bob watches as a sink tie-in is cut, fitted, and installed with adhesive.

