

鲍勃在蓬塔戈尔达了解,从佛罗里达州的围场和邻里节目的张韶涵马球可持续美化。马球是由Brian Kendzior谁解释了整体景观设计,需要进行筛选和隐私,此举从可能从飓风的强风损坏的家园得到大型绿化离开加盟。Kendzior谈到工厂维护和水的使用,表现出鲍伯·托罗低流量的灌溉系统,将通过八个不同的区域植物浇水。草坪逻辑补充灌溉系统与土壤湿度监测系统,该系统将覆盖灌溉计时器为每个单独的区域时,在地面传感器检测上述预先设定的水平的水分。这种节水战略是由佛罗里达州的沙滩,低水分的土壤茁壮成长天然植物的选择补充。马球和Micklow显示鲍勃所创建的,以防止农药和化肥径流水道和控制草坪地区天然生长区段过渡院子里的种植面积,床和野生动物花园。从花园活着克雷格·哈默带来植物特有的天然植物食品,土壤增强,并为募集菜园农药。PestAgon安装在房子周围的周边SENTRICON低影响白蚁防治系统。
肯Micklow约天然箬或白菜棕榈正在种植在蓬塔戈尔达家鲍勃·特伦特Culleny园林绿化承包商谈判。根球已经被截断,有叶子,以防止种植过程中的压力。Micklow说,它会在一年内全头,并建立根。被用于对冲种植安吉拉马球着眼于罗汉松筛选公摊面积。他们自然tendancy是长大不出来,到一丈多高。他们很容易与尖端修剪一次,维持或每年两次。低维护,低有害,低水crotons也正在根据景观设计方案栽在院子里。金缨正在栽种蝴蝶蜜源。阿兹台克草随着天堂鸟的边境观赏植物口音种植。Micklow讲,它不添加营养物和肥料种植的时候,或者它可以通过它来驯化土壤施肥再服用它拿走强调植物是非常重要的。 Ultimately it could make it more difficult for the plant to survice its natural conditions. Polo and Micklow have limited the turf area, but have provided functional grass area for their dogs and family with a transitional butterfly garden before the Lantana-planted area of the yard opens up. Carm DiBella from PestAgon joins Bob to explain the enviornmentally friendly Sentricon termite protection system installed at the Punta Gorda house. DiBella explains that termites are attracted to large masses that cover and cool the earth as the termites forage for food sources. The cap on each station serves as a thermal shield to cool the area around the bait source. Stations are installed every ten feet all the way around the house. Each station has a yellow pine center that serves as termite bait holding a small amount of pesticide. The insects take the bait back to the nest to feed and exterminate the colony. The stations are checked, scanned for readings, and renewed every two months. This system is projected to work for ten years without replacement.

