

鲍勃回到了Melrose的近乎完整的地下室家庭室。新的空间从Dingy进行了进展,潮湿的较低级别到成品的家庭房。他评论了来自Owens Corning的地下室精加工系统,完成了墙壁,天花板和门的房间。为了保持空间水分和无模的,地下室系统已经安装了周边排水,现在设计用于在较低温度下从空气中除去水的除湿器。还安装了一个互锁的地板系统,以防止水渗流并从导电混凝土和有机地板之间的接触腐烂。互锁地板面板连接在地板上,覆盖有填料,并配有铺砌的地毯,布置成营造出独特的图案。易于组装,基于胶合板的滑动式滑动柜,配置和组装,将存储和工作表面空间带到地下室。这些可定制的存储单元具有可调节的塑料脚,可将其放在地板上并容纳不均匀的楼层。加利福尼亚壁橱楼上为衣服提供了衣服,并设计了悬挂墙,鞋展,搁架,局,梳妆台和化妆空间的存储布局。在起居室安装烟囱和遥控,可编程的可编程气体壁炉插入件,安装柔性,不锈钢衬垫和遥控的可编程气体壁炉。

Melrose Home的家庭改善项目之一是修复烟囱。炉子的烟囱和壁炉既需要维修。炉子烟囱烟道需要重新定位以满足代码。灵活的不锈钢衬里将保护家庭免受火灾危险或一氧化碳中毒。弗雷德里克杰克弗雷德里克Gerraghty评论一些进入壁炉的技术。该项目中使用的管道具有双壁,可保护所需的自然嘴的热量,以适当排出烟囱。在现场组装三英尺,扭转锁定长度,从烟囱的顶部掉下来。壁炉烟囱需要紧急关注内外,所以新的燃气壁炉插入可以进入炉膛开口。烟囱顶部对砖块有很多伤害。砖块被拆除并取代了倒挂烟囱扫描的蒂姆马蒂斯顿。 Some of the bricks were very loose and were removed and re-mortered. A hole is drilled into the hearth of the fireplace to accommodate the gas line. The gas line is then connected using a straight adapter to the black iron pipe. The unit has two pilot assemblies and a logset burner that supplies the gas to the logset itself. A high-efficiency heating burner sits behind the logset and gives the fireplace great heating efficiency. The unit comes with a remote control and a programmable thermostat. The logset is placed in the firebox and the finish surround is put in place. The finish surround acts as the transition between the Rinnai fireplace and the masonry fireplace. Back in the new basement family room, almost all of the new storage units have been installed. The units feature drawers, work surface, and space for a small refrigerator. The last touches are being put on as the shelves are put into place. These Slide-Lok units were originally designed for garages, but are perfectly suited for use in the basement family room. These cabinets are plywood-based and contain no particle board. Because this is an old house, the dip in the basement floor is visible. The storage units can accommodate uneven floors by using adjustable plastic legs.


