

鲍勃在蓬Gorda厨房完成这个storm-ready回家。杰克百龄坛从大使做厨房加入他的安装Cardell枫builder-line橱柜实木框架,枫的脸,和纸板盒建设。理查德·瓦格纳的瓦格纳橱柜展示了鲍勃如何安装在外墙上面的橱柜和底柜设置级别,垫片,钻到位,完成了一个脚趾踢和枫冠成型。杜邦可丽耐的安德里亚·约翰逊显示Bob一些可用的超过100的颜色和图案。这些固体表面台面污点和耐划伤性,无孔,容易清洁。新颜色,像峡谷,设计灵感来源于自然,把在外面。斯科特律师,工作台面制作者,加入鲍勃先创建一个模板的固体表面反驳说,将在他的商店,然后安装。烹调的菜肴模板是由蓝图,现场检查,并设置在可丽耐切割指南。可丽耐积分安装水槽和计数器。柜台部分加入并完成掺沙子的无形的缝。 Mike Goodrich installs the Whirlpool dishwasher for quiet operation.
鲍勃在蓬Gorda房子与杰克百龄坛大使的厨房,在构建器行厨柜安装了。这些枫木橱柜Cardell橱柜的圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州,枫的脸,实木框架,和纸板盒。铰链来自布卢姆和欧洲完全可调或暗铰链。抽屉特性builder-grade框,这意味着它的一贯高质量而不是公司的最高等级。builder-grade内阁将与定制等功能功能基线建设内阁面临和木材的选择。百龄坛解释说,好处是橱柜按时交付,一致。一个特殊的速度和质量服务扩展到客户,像大使厨房或奔驰家园,那些机构的房屋数量与他们的线。在佛罗里达,需求和等待时间是重要的,三到四个星期的交货期是很棒的。理查德·瓦格纳的瓦格纳橱柜在蓬Gorda Cardell枫木橱柜的安装。他开始用一个开销框标记为使用激光能级位置。 Since the exterior walls are concrete and the wall studs are steel, Bob asks how they handle installation. Wagner explains that as with wood, it's a matter of finding a stud and tacking with a finish nail before screwing the cabinets in place. Once tacked, the cabinets are checked again for level and screwed together with 2 1/2-inch flathead, square drive, zinc-coated screws with wood master tips that are serrated and cut through wood like a drill bit. With these screws, Wagner can avoid pre-drilling. After the doors are reattached and adjusted for swing, the crew moves to the base cabinet, which is nearly level and needs only be shimmed in the back. It is checked with a laser line at the wall and two feet out before being drilled in and finished with a toe kick. Bob shows the crown molding that is glued and tacked in place at the top of the cabinets for a finished look.


