
也许你是一个新的房主,仍然不确定自己需要什么工具和用品。也许你刚刚罚款到一个小房子或公寓,你希望巩固你的财产。无论是什么原因,您都不必为家庭改进产品牺牲宝贵的存储空间 - 而不是当您在您储存的许多日常项目时medicine cabinetcan do double- and even triple-duty as handy household aids! That's right: Most of the cures to common household complaints can be solved by something hiding in your bathroom. Read to learn just how unexpectedly useful your stock of toiletries can be.

An Aspirin A Day

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Uses of Aspirin

在艰难的一天的工作经过艰苦的工作之后,萨克基黄汗污渍剩下的白衬衫是难看的,几乎不可能去除,但阿司匹林可以give you a boost on laundry day并删除违规污渍。研磨少数阿司匹林并用足够的水混合形成厚厚的糊状;用牙刷涂抹于污渍,然后在最热的水中洗涤。阿司匹林中的水杨酸有助于使污渍水溶性。

This same paste can also be used toremove pesky rust stainsin the bathroom left behind from razors and metal cans. Let it sit on your tub's ledge or vanity countertop for 10 minutes, then wipe it away. Tough stains might require an additional application.


Clipper, Stripper

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Wire Stripping

没有一套线剥线?替换你的指甲钳,而不是!他们的小巧易挥动的刀片可以进行双重责任,以避开任何塑料涂层wiring project. It'll take some practice, but a few tries can help you find just the right amount of pressure for cuts that don't nick the metal wires. Use your set later on to clip off the excess ends when soldering or connecting wires.

Related:8 Warning Signs of Dangerously Outdated Electrical Wiring



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Toothpaste has myriad uses around the house,包括制造一个伟大的修补材料,以填充螺钉和墙壁中留下的孔。在指甲孔和周围传播牙膏,用湿布擦拭光滑。一旦干燥,你可以用一点点涂料来匹配墙壁的其余部分。

Related:3 Fixes for a Hole in the Wall



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The precision of a tweezer's grip can be extremely useful when working with computers andhousehold electronics—and all of the small pieces that assemble them. Use this grooming tool to plug and unplug small connectors as well as hold tiny screws steady as you are unscrewing them.

Related:Genius! Turn a Plastic Fork into a Tiny Screwdriver


Slip, Sliding Away

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Slip, Sliding Away

如果你用含有凡士林或石油果冻的盒子里的橱柜,你已经击中了the motherload of fix-its. This slick substance quiets squeaky doors when dabbed on the hinges and lubricate sticky locks,视窗, and sliding door tracks for easier opening.

在winter, this does good for more than just chapped lips. Vaseline can save you a headache by helping prevent frozen locks—simply apply a thin layer to both the lock and key, insert the key into the lock, and work it back and forth to lubricate the tumbler.



Polished Approach

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Nail polish can be used for more than just painting fingernails, sostock up on a bottle or twoof the clear stuff! If you have a loose screw, polish can give it a bit of extra holding power; just paint the threads before you screw it into place. Similarly, its staying power can stop small holes in window screens from expanding into a full tear.

Related:Easy DIY Fixes for 11 Annoying House Problems


Bubble Up

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Uses of Soap

Soap is another natural lubricant, good for loosening zippers, unsticking drawers, and even making nails go through wood more easily. Rubbing soap over a saw blade will also help the blade切片通过木材更容易, allowing you to cut straightermaking the blade less likely to split the wood.

Related:10 Classic Cleaners that Have Stood the Test of Time


The Cool Combover

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Uses of a Comb

Save yourself a bruised thumb下次你去锤子一个钉子simply by reaching for this particular hair styling tool before you get started. A fine-tooth comb can grip the nail between its teeth at one end, while you hold onto the other end, safely out of the path of your hammer. Once you have tapped the nail securely into the wall, unhook the comb and continue to tap the nailhead with your hammer until you're satisfied.




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How to Use Electric Toothbrush

Now get evenmoreuse from your old hygienic supplies. When the toothbrush head on an electric model has brushed its last enamel tooth, transfer it to your cleaning caddy to be late used as a grout scrubber.来清洁日, reattach it to the body of the brush so that it's electric-powered spinning takes all the work out of the dreaded task for you.

Related:5 Things to Do with... Old Toothbrushes


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