Childproofing the Home Office

Create a safe environment for your family and eliminate potential home office hazards.


Statistics show that almost 75 percent of Americans have some sort of home office. And as these dedicated work areas have become more common, so have injuries associated with them. Most adults have endured the occasional stapled finger or nasty paper cut, of course, but the dangers for children inside the home office are often overlooked.

家庭安全委员会主席的基于华盛顿特区的家庭安全委员会主席Meri-k Appy表示,在家里拥有家庭办公室的父母需要更加了解这些潜在问题,因为该家庭安全委员会主席Meri-k Appy表示,自由议长。

“Parents and grandparents who have children around their home office really need to look at the room from the child’s level,” Appy explains. “Getting down and seeing the area from a child’s perspective can help adults better identify the potential problems in the room.”


虽然听起来很明显,碎纸机对孩子来说可能是非常危险的,但很多人仍然没有采取这些强大的切片机采取适当的预防措施。“粉碎机真的需要从地板上,在没有孩子的情况下,在不使用的情况下,甚至在一个锁定的书柜中脱离,”达拉斯儿童医疗中心的伤害部门计划经理Claudia Romo说。


Appy表示,带儿童的家庭也应该考虑投资一个碎纸机,就像Fellowes'“SafeSense” sensor, that allow it to determine when the sensor is being touched by a human or动物



“Loose cords and wires are a hazard to people of any age,” Romo says. She recommends taping or tacking down wires near the perimeter of the room whenever possible and securing the rest with wire covers like the电缆乌龟或其他导管型盖子。


一旦电线和电线安全,考虑电气插座的永恒儿童吸引力。只是因为家庭办公区中的大部分插座都可能在使用并不意味着他们不呈现danger to children



The big items may grab your attention first when you begin to childproof your office, but this is one place you really should sweat the small stuff. Paperclips, thumbtacks, staplers and staple removers, letter openers, and scissors can all be tragically attractive to a small child. Place these items out of reach and sight of children who might sit at your desk, says Romo. Or, even better, store them in a locked cabinet when a child is present.



秋季危险是家庭里面最常见的,最致命的危险之一。“重要的是,父母可以保护高大的书柜和家具 - 任何孩子都可以爬到墙上,”Appy说。“太多的悲剧已经发生,因为孩子试图爬上书柜或梳妆台才能到达禁书。”当您在办公室的到达时存储如此多的吸引人的危险时,请考虑您的孩子可能会尝试缩放书柜或桌子的最终性,并相应地固定每件事家具。

And while you’re securing items, be sure to firmly affix any television or computer monitor to wherever it is located, be it a shelf, the wall or even a desktop. “Kids can grab onto a desktop and pull a monitor over on themselves and cause serious injury,” says Romo. “These new flat screen monitors, with their lighter weight, are easier to pull off and can still cause injury to a child.”

Control Entrances and Exits
