
Homebuyers, sellers, and owners should know the minimum requirements that comprise a bedroom, mainly for home value and safety.

What Makes a Room a Bedroom?



Code requirements由于国家的不同从状态变化,尽管如此,尽管可能已经使用了这种空间,但仍将确定可以且不能被视为卧室。代码主要用于安全目的。当符合这些代码要求时,空间只能定义为卧室,这可能包括对消防安全措施和出口手段的规范。

The Safety Issue

当空格被标记为卧室或以其他方式,安全是主要的决定因素。国际住宅守则(IRC)规定了一个“可居住的房间”所需的功能,包括“睡眠单位”或卧室。建设者必须遵循IRC及其州的建筑物安全代码 - 在构建要指定为“卧室”的空间时。“所有可居住的房间都有一般要求,”拉里弗兰克说国际委员会(ICC)以华盛顿特区,DC,“其他房间的具体要求,包括卧室。”

出口的有效手段在发生冷杉e is the reason there are window requirements on the bedroom space. Technically, a bedroom must have two means of egress, so a second door will suffice, but it must open to the outside, which makes the exterior door a less practical solution. Not any window will do. It must have a minimum opening area of 5.7 sq. feet, a minimum opening height of 24 inches, and a minimum opening width of 20 inches. The maximum distance between the finished floor and the finished window sill is 44 inches, but a recent addition to the IRC mandates a minimum distance between the finished floor of the room and the window sill of 24 inches to prevent children from falling out of an open window. Note that whether the second means of egress is a window or a door, it must be operable from the inside without the use of keys, tools, or special knowledge.



These safety features required by building codes must be followed by builders for new construction. However, existing homeowners would do well to follow these guidelines, particularly when converting an existing space in the home to a bedroom or sleeping unit. Putting a bed in the attic or the basement for one of the kids does not make that room a safe sleeping area. Even a finished basement might not have a suitable second means of egress. It is in the homeowner’s best interest to consider the safety aspects of any space being used as a bedroom. A homeowner should consult or hire a professional for installation of smoke alarms and AFCIs.


一个额外的卧室为家庭带来了附加值。房地产经纪人知道这 - 也是家居卖家。幸运的是,即使是房地产经纪人也必须在将任何特定的生活空间标记为卧室时遵循一系列指南。“虽然卧室没有国家标准,但在营销房屋时,房地产经纪人必须遵循道德准则,”斯蒂芬妮歌手,发言人说全国房地产经纪人协会(nar)。此道德准则将代理绑定到由国家和本地建筑代码要求推断的同一卧室定义,包括有两种出口手段。在房地产世界中,如果有一个门可以关闭,窗户和壁橱,可以将空间视为卧室。壁橱要求未在IRC中涵盖,而是卧室与舒适性和居住性有关的卧室,而不是安全。


Fittingly, property assessors will follow the same bedroom definition when determining the number of bedrooms in a given home—that is, it must have a door, a closet, and an egress window. It is in the interest of homeowners, sellers, and buyers to know the subtle bedroom definition differences between the safety/builder perspective and the real estate/home value perspective, and to know one’s state and local guidelines for determining what can and cannot be considered a bedroom.