All You Need to Know About Venetian Plaster


All You Need to Know About Venetian Plaster

Photo: Zillow Digs home in Rockville, MD

威尼斯膏药的古老表面处理在现代家园中卷土重来。主要用于内墙或ceilings, it mimics the multi-toned, three-dimensional effect of natural stone—without the need for lugging and installing heavy slabs of real marble or limestone. Homeowners can recreate the old-world look in three ways: with a lookalike homemade finish, store-bought synthetic Venetian plaster paint, or authentic lime Venetian plaster. Read on to find out which of these applications is right for you, and then learn how to apply a Venetian plaster在你家。

The Venetian Plaster Look


All You Need to Know About Venetian Plaster

Photo: via Mark Nordgren


Here, we’ve broken down the advantages and disadvantages of the three treatment options: homemade finish, synthetic Venetian plaster paint, and authentic Venetian plaster.


您可以实现自制威尼斯石膏完for roughly $6 to $11 per 100 square feet, considering you’ll need $2 to $3 for pre-mixed joint compound, $0.10 to $0.50 for latex colorant, and $4 to $7 for tinted glaze. That’s abargaincompared to the material cost of ready-to-apply cans of synthetic Venetian plaster (which run $18 to $33 per 100 square feet) and authentic lime Venetian plaster (which costs $32 to $84 or more per 100 square feet for materials alone).


SavvyDIYers可以自制和合成威尼斯膏药处理自己 - 但要注意,申请需要卓越的绘画能力。房主还应在接受DIY安装之前使用抹子和鹰的经验。另一方面,应始终专业安装了正宗的石灰威尼斯膏药处理。这是由于石膏流鼻涕,快速干燥时间,使涂抹缺陷件难以应用,以及重做缺陷的应用的高材料成本。专业安装authentic lime Venetian plaster could run you anywhere from $800 to $1,200 per 100 square feet when including labor and materials.


Of the two DIY-friendly methods, the homemade treatment is more forgiving than the synthetic paint. Its joint compound is malleable, dries slowly, and can easily be wiped away and re-applied if you make a mistake. But keep in mind that the homemade treatment requires more initial labor, since you need to tint the compound.


When opting forhomemadeVenetian plaster finish or synthetic Venetian plaster paint, homeowners can expect to spend a few days on the process. Meanwhile, a professional will take significantly longer to apply authentic lime Venetian plaster, which could require up to ten days of drying time between coats.


You can apply both synthetic Venetian plaster paint and homemade Venetian plaster finish to unvarnished and varnished walls orceilings。The key is starting with a flat, clean, and smooth substrate—meaning you’ll want to sand the substrate if the wall has a raised texture.


除了威尼斯膏药处理可能是一个凌乱和耗时的过程,无论您用于应用它的技术。所有三种表面处理 - 联合化合物,合成威尼斯石膏涂料,以及真正的石灰威尼斯膏药 - 设计为永久性。如果您确实改变了治疗的思想,您需要运行电动sander在成品表面上直到光滑。这个过程可能导致含量的碎片和清理工作。

All You Need to Know About Venetian Plaster

Photo: Zillow Digs home in Bend, OR



Drop cloth
100grit sandpaper
Liquid dish soap
Latex colorant (or drywall mud tint)
Drill mixing attachment
Dust mask
Rubber gloves
Safety glasses

Pretinted waterbased translucent glaze


First, prep the space to be treated. Whether you intend to apply homemade Venetian plaster to the walls or ceiling (or both), lay drop cloths beneath the surface you intend to finish to protect it from paint splatter. Remove all hangings and fixtures from the surface and fill anyholes用痉挛的糊状物。让糊状物根据制造商的说明治愈,然后用100粒砂纸轻轻砂吹粉区域。


To remove the sanding dust—along with dirt, debris, and grease—whip up a simple cleaner by mixing one teaspoon of liquid洗碗剂和four cups of warm water in a large bucket. Wipe down the entire surface with a clean rag saturated in the soap solution, then make a second pass with a water-dampened rag to remove the suds. Once it dries completely, cover the baseboards and the edges of the surface and ceiling with painter’s tape.


Next, tint the joint compound that will act as the “plaster” in this Venetian plaster treatment. Combine one teaspoon of latex colorant per one gallon of pre-mixed joint compound in a large bucket. Mix using the mixing attachment of a powerdrill直到颜色已完全掺入,并且该化合物是煎饼面糊的一致性。如果您正在寻求Regal Italien-Inspired的外观,请考虑地中海色调的乳胶着色剂,如Terra Closta,薰衣草或金。

All You Need to Know About Venetian Plaster

Photo: via Mark Nordgren


Don your dust mask, rubber gloves, and protective eyewear. Then scoop a generous heap of tinted joint compound onto a hawk with an eight-inch drywall trowel. Load the trowel with a hot-dog-width bead of compound from the hawk, and apply an eighth-of-an-inch-thick coat of joint compound over the surface using short, gently-curved, x-shaped strokes at different angles. You’ll want to start at the top left corner and work your way down the surface until it’s entirely covered, periodically cleaning the edge of the trowel with a water-dampened rag to remove dried-up joint compound. Let the joint compound dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions (usually 24 hours), then lightly sand the surface with 60- to 80-gritsandpaper。Use circular motions to soften the appearance of ridges in the texture. After sanding, wipe down the wall with a water-dampened rag to remove sanding dust, then let the wall dry completely.


为了深化关节化合物的颜色变化,用油漆刷,刷上表面的亮点(较轻区域)上的预选釉。使用X形冲程的图案,如关节复合涂层。真实大理石具有很高的光和暗色调的对比,so choose a glaze color significantly darker than the joint compound coat if you’re trying to recreate the look of marble. Alternately, if you’re after the low-contrast appearance of limestone, choose a glaze closer in hue (but still slightly darker than) the joint compound coat. When the glaze dries completely, you should see the dazzling effect of highlights and lowlights in color.


Preserve the texture of your Venetian plaster finish by covering it with one coat of a clear water-based密封胶using a roller. If you’re after the look of polished marble, choose a sealant with a semi-gloss or satin finish. To get the look of limestone, choose a matte sealant. Remove the painter’s tape once the sealant is dry to reveal your revamped wall or ceiling.

Maintaining Venetian Plaster
