


鲍勃重述在地下室改造项目迄今所做的工作。欧文斯科宁地下室整理系统提供了墙壁和天花板新地下室家庭活动室。这个项目的一个最重要的方面是防止造成地下室损坏水分。正在制定与地下室系统公司的拉里·Janesky鲍勃会谈,有关设备,以防止受潮而损坏。垫层被放置在地板上,以防止水转印。该垫层是专门为地下室由塑料互锁底层地板。有机材料,如木材,应该不会与混凝土底层地板接触,因为水蒸汽透过混凝土上升,并可以创建模具的问题。传统上,人们通过戴上具体维斯昆下来,放下改造地下室压力处理的2x4的,在板之间绝缘,然后放下胶合板底层地板。该ThermalDry无机垫层是一个更好的解决方案,因为它有轨道,让一些空气流通。与传统的底层地板,水蒸汽凝结成水的维斯昆然后转移到木材和有机材料在底层地板,下方造成模具和腐烂。 Plumbing leaks can also result in a wet subfloor, causing the plywood to buckle and mold to grow. ThermalDry underlayment is quick to install, which saves time and money. The panels lock together with teeth and a shiplap design to stop the water vapor. The tiles allow for a little expansion and contraction and take up only a half-inch of the basement's ceiling height. This underlayment system costs about the same amount as the traditional method but, unlike traditional subfloors, does not require replacement after a water episode. If there is a water problem, the tiles can be lifted up, dried, and put back in place once the water issue is addressed. On a flat floor, the tiles will lay flat and the perimeter tiles will be secured to the floor. The completed floor will be made up of three layers: the underlayment, the pad, and the carpet. These multiple layers will minimize any sound from the rigid plastic coming into contact with the concrete slab. The Melrose home has a wavy basement floor, so extra fasteners will be put in to hold the underlayment down. A dehumidification system will be put in the basement to draw water out of the air before it becomes a problem. It's important to use a dehumidifier designed specifically for basements as most dehumidifiers are rated for 80 degree temperatures and basements typically are much cooler than this. In this project, the dehumidifier installed was a SaniDry Basement Air System which has air filtration built in and is Energy Star rated.


