


当照明老房子的外部时,有许多照明装置可供选择。重要的是要找到一些补充的年龄和风格的家。门廊天花板上的两个照明装置来自Bellacor,以透明的玻璃圆顶为特色,适合上世纪20年代建造的房屋。房子的特色元素荷兰殖民,美国殖民,gambrel,和艺术和工艺风格。房子后面的一些灯反映了艺术和工艺风格。和大多数建于20世纪20年代的住宅一样,这栋房屋的内部空间也非常狭小。加州橱柜的克洛伊·杜兰特(Chloe Durant)回顾了房屋的一些变化,以改善存储空间。在装修之前,男孩们的房间里有很多装玩具的小盒子,这让房间看起来很凌乱。为了扩大玩具储存空间和增加工作空间,安装了一个两部分的桌子。书架和抽屉空间包括在桌子里。 Some bookshelves include baskets for toy storage. A door was removed from a pre-existing closet, the interior was painted, and display shelves were installed. A bunk bed from Levitz.com was put in the children's room, which helped open up more space. The master bedroom was also furnished with products bought online. This 1920s-era house had almost no exterior lighting and not even a place to plug in the Christmas lights. Electrician John Schiavone installed new lighting outlets for the exterior and interior of the home. The lighting fixtures and table lamps in the living room are all operated by wireless control. Ben Wilson Jr. of Lutron/Keyes North Atlantic reviews the features of this system. The control unit has five settings for the homeowner to set, which will control various lights in the house. The system seeks out and uses wireless frequencies that are not currently in use and will not impede the use of other wireless devices in the area. Each room of the house is equipped with a dimmer switch that for manual operation. The house has a lot of architectural character from the nice dark woodwork. The selection of new furniture for the house reflects this character. All of the new furnishings were purchased online and the only two objects still remaining in the room are the grandmother's piano and an Indian armoire. The accent cushions for the couch use the same colors and floral patterns found in the Indian armoire. The furnishings were bought from Levitz.com and the rug was from BelleRug. The oriental-style rug really unifies the room. Adult space has been reclaimed with the addition of the space for the family's children.

