15 Little Signs Your House Has a Big Problem

小home annoyances are sometimes indicators of a bigger structural problem. Learn to recognize the signs of these maintenance issues that need to get addressed sooner rather than later.

Know when you have a problem on your hands

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house structural repairs



Dry Mud Tubes on the Foundation

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Termite Mud Tubes

Another sign that termites are munching away at your walls is the discovery of small, dry mud tubes on the foundation, running from the ground to the siding. Termites are subterranean critters, and they prefer to remain covered as they travel back and forth from their nest in the soil to their "restaurant" in your house. To conceal their comings and goings, they build small tunnels (about 1/4 inch wide). They can build these mud tubes on the outside of your foundation or on the inside, so if you have a crawl space, shine a bright flashlight in the crevice and check for tubes once or twice a year.


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The Door Won’t Close

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Doors Won't Close


Related:8 Dangerous Secrets Your Home May Be Hiding



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Unless you drop a marble and it rolls to one side of the floor, or you spill a glass of water and the liquid runs to the same spot, you might easily miss a slight slope in your floor. When a formerly level floor develops a slant, it could be a sign that one or more of the joists that support the floor have rotted or broken, causing the floor to settle in that area. A structural engineer should take a look at your home’s structural support system and determine a method for repairing it, which could involve replacing one or more of the floor’s structural members.

Related:9 Sneaky Ways to Get New Floors for Under $50



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Related:8 Things the Exterminator Won’t Tell You for Free



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Flickering Lights Meaning

Unless you’re hosting a disco party, flickering lights aren’t a good sign. First, check the bulb in the fixture that’s flickering just in case it’s loose. You can also try用新的灯泡替换它. If the flickering continues, or if more than one light bulb is flickering, it could be a sign that wires somewhere along the circuit are loose or your home’s wiring is not adequate for the amount of electricity you’re using. An electrician can diagnose the problem, fix loose wires, and add additional circuits, if necessary.

Related:15 "Under $100" Lighting Solutions for Every Room


A Crack Just Appeared in Your Window Glass

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Window Cracked For No Reason




The Washing Machine Hose Is Bulging

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Replace Washing Machine Hose

随着时间的推移,高水压可以使橡胶在普通的洗衣机软管中软化并失去其完整性,从而导致类似于小气球的可见凸起。那个凸起是一个标志,软管失败,并且可以随时爆发。它的情况下,破裂会导致flooding and water damagein your laundry room, so the sooner the hose is replaced, the better. Instead of installing a new rubber hose, opt for a braided steel hose that will hold up better under pressure and prevent the problem from happening again.


You Discover Clumps of Shredded Paper

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Mouse Nest In House

Discovering little piles of shredded paper should send up a red flag. Those clumps are a sign that rodents are moving into your house. Mice and rats make nests from shredded paper, cardboard, or even fabric. Don't lull yourself into thinking that it's just a few mice: A female mouse can give birth to five litters in a single year, so a couple of mice can quickly turn into dozens of mice, which can create你家的健康危害. You can try using no-kill traps to catch the little critters and transfer them safely out of doors, but if you continue to find rodent nests or droppings, you should call an exterminator.

Related:8 Signs You May Have Mice


Heavy White Residue on a Brick Chimney

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White Stuff On Brick

它被称为风化,它看起来像砖上的白色残留物。它是由水分引起的,使矿物盐从砖块到表面上。残留物本身并不有害,并且通常在许多类型的砖上少量发现。但重,厚,浓度的白色风化是一种指示,水分在烟囱内部冷凝并渗出。这可能是由破裂的烟道衬垫引起的,这增加了进入您家的有毒烟雾的风险,否则可能是它的结果interior plumbing leak, but whatever the cause, have a professional chimney sweep inspect the chimney.



Slow Drainage Around the House

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slow drainage

缓慢下沉或淋浴排水没有多少理由concern, after all that’s just typical home maintenance headaches. However, if you notice the issue throughout the house then you have a bigger problem on your hands. When all the pipes are slow to drain it could be a sign that you have a clog in the main sewer line. This is a plumbing emergency, and you should call a professional plumber to fix it as soon as possible.

Related:10 Ways Your Home Is Telling You to Call a Plumber



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peeling paint

Before you start touching up peeling, cracking, or blistering paint it’s important you determine what caused the blemish. While it could be the result of a careless paint job, it’s also possible that a leak is behind the problem. Investigate the area of the wall, and if you find moisture or water get the plumber in to fix it before grabbing a paint roller.

Related:Solved! What Causes Bubbling Paint—and What to Do About It


Windows Are Stuck

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Windows Are Stuck



Toilet Gurgling

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Toilet Gurgling

When you hear a gurgling noise from the toilet don’t overlook it; it’s telling you that something is not right. The annoying noise indicates that negative air pressure is building up in the drain line, creating an airlock, that’s caused by a clog.请按照以下步骤修复咕噜咕噜or call your plumber.

Related:10 Fast Fixes for Annoying House Noises



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It never hurts to inspect your yard every so often in the spring and summer for carpenter bees. The bees, which resemble bumble bees, burrow their nests into soft wood. If you notice small piles of sawdust or holes in your deck, fence, or furniture then you probably are dealing with carpenter bees. Get the exterminator to come to find a solution before the bees can do more damage.



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Melted electrical wiring puts off an unpleasant odor that’s similar to what you might smell if you run a hand mixer too long and its motor overheats. If you catch a whiff of this smell, don’t ignore it. Unplug nearby lamps or other appliances—sometimes a new appliance will smell the first few times it’s used—and then sniff the outlets and switches. If you find that the smell is coming from a specific outlet or switch, shut off the power at the breaker box and call an electrician. This is one to-do you shouldn't postpone; ignoringfaulty wiring can result in a home fire.

Related:These Electrical Safety Tips Could Save Your Life


Fix These Problems–Fast

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Fix These Problems–Fast



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