11 Tips for Making Your Home More Conducive to Meditation

Whether you’re considering meditation or already have a regular routine, creating a calming space in your home can offer a respite from stressors of the outside world.


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Black female on an enclosed porch meditating





Get Creative With Available Space

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Perhaps you’re lucky and you have an extra room in your home perfect for a meditation space. However, it’s more common for much of our existing interior spaces to be dedicated to other needs, so you may have to get creative. Consider carving out a corner of your bedroom, an office, or a spot in the basement. Using a屏幕或窗帘可以帮助增加隐私。为完美的Zen Hideaway带走一个未使用的衣柜。另一个有趣的想法是设置一个小的帆布或纯粹的帐篷(可用Amazon), often used in children’s spaces, and create a tiny sanctuary.



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It’s important that your space be comfortable when sitting for long periods of time. We’re often drawn to spaces that have a cozy vibe—those spots that practically beg you to curl up with a good book. To create this in your home, integrate soft items into your space, such as a meditation cushion, blankets, andthrow pillows。一些冥想座椅将带座椅靠背(可供选择Amazon)如果您发现很难在长时间的支持下立即坐下。将较重的毯子或枕头放在膝盖上,将提供一系列的重量,可以帮助您感觉更加接地。


Harness the Power of Sound

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Close up of a small indoor fountain

The ideal meditation space will consider all of the senses, including hearing. Listening to a guided meditation, calming music, or sounds of nature can be relaxing, while also drowning out other distracting noises within your home. Some accessories to consider bringing into your space would be a bluetooth speaker (available onAmazon),涓涓细流的喷泉或声音机器。盒子(可提供Amazon)和纪念也可以增强冥想体验。


Add Scents and Aromatherapy

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说到感官,在设置冥想空间时不要折扣味道。用香或香味的蜡烛大,或者用精油的提示保持最小。用你的皮肤轻拍或使用漫射器(可提供Amazon)传播一个放松的气味。尝试薰衣草放松或Palo Santo Sticks清除您的负能量空间。


Bring in Nature

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Being in nature has a calming effect that can help facilitate meditation. If you can’t find a spot for relaxation out in the wild, consider bringing the outdoors inside. Houseplants can mimic the soothing effect of trees, and can even help to improve attentiveness and memory. Other items from nature to integrate are rocks and crystals, sand trays (available onAmazon), and a sound machine featuring birds chirping or water falling. If you like a breeze on your face, consider adding a small fan or keeping the windows open.

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Close up of an altar built on a window sill

Many regular meditators will sit in front of a small altar. Altars are often found in sacred spaces where one holds a ritual. Creating one in your home can help you get deeper into your practice and create a more spiritual connection. Choose a small spot, such as a shelf, table, or even a cardboard box on which to place your items. Select objects with special meaning to you, such as small statues or figures, pieces of nature, special family items or heirlooms, or favorite photos and sayings. Crystals (available onAmazon)可以有不同的含义,所以选择一对夫妻,它带来了你生活中更多的品质。



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There’s a reason why spas usually skip the bright colors in favor of lighter shades, neutrals, and pastels. These light colors can have a soothing effect, while brighter hues can be too stimulating for this type of space. Cool colors such as greens, blues, and purples are especially recognized for this calming influence. What colors induce a sense of calm in you? Consider your personal preference and then integrate your favorite shades throughpaint,枕头,毯子和艺术品。

Related:10 Calming Colors for a Serene Home



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Back view of a black woman looking out a window with natural light shining through



Keep it Minimal

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Woman in front of window meditating




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Make it Personal

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Dog laying in a woman's lap looking up at her

For each of these categories, it’s important to consider what works best for you. What makes you feel relaxed or inspired could have the complete opposite effect on a friend or family member. For instance, if you’re over-sensitive to scents, don’t include them in your space. If technology will distract you, skip the phone and speaker. Also, when deciding which objects and accessories to include, consider what items bring you joy and contentment, and incorporate those, leaving the rest behind.


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