8 Pest-Control Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

It’s time to disprove once and for all some of the most commonly held misconceptions about dealing with bugs, rodents, and other unwanted critters.

Fact vs. Fiction

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Pest-Control Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Household pests are an age-old problem, yet misinformation still abounds about what attracts them and how to get rid of them. Bugs and rodents can spread disease and worsen symptoms for allergy sufferers, so it’s important to know how to identify an infestation and eradicate the threat. We’re here to debunk some of the most prevalent myths about pests and pest control.


Pests Mean a Dirty Home

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Pests Mean a Dirty Home

Having a pest problem is inconvenient, but it can also be embarrassing if you fear that the presence of bugs or rodents in your space is an indication that your house is unclean. In reality, even the tidiest houses can fall victim to invasion by insects and mice. Don’t take it personally. No amount of cleaning will guarantee that pests won’t find a way inside.


Pest problems?


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Cartoons are definitely to blame for this one. Cheese has long been thought to be a mouse’s favorite treat, and as a result it’s often used in traps in an attempt to lure them.Tests have shown, however, that mice actually prefer sweeter foods that are high in carbohydrates. So smear yourmouse trapswith a sugary spread like peanut butter, and save the brie and cheddar for yourself.

Related:8 Pantry Pests That May Be Invading Your Stay-at-Home Stash



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许多人认为猫和狗作为natural pest deterrents. The reality is, however, that most domesticated pets are unmotivated to hunt and eradicate bugs and rodents because they’re already well nourished by the kibble you feed them. In fact, having pets can actually attract more pests to your home because they can bring in fleas and other unwanted bugs, and those leftover bits in their food bowls can attract hungry critters.


Club Soda Kills Fire Ants

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Club Soda Kills Fire Ants

如果杀灭火蚁也很容易,这不会像碳酸水在丘上倒碳酸水?不幸的是,尽管有谣言,Club Soda中的二氧化碳将导致它们窒息,但实际上并不是一种可行的解决方案。既不用瞬间灰烬,醋或巴黎石膏洒它们。适当的杀虫剂是最有效的方式get rid of fire ants在你的家或花园里。


Daddy Longlegs Are Poisonous

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Daddy Longlegs Are Poisonous



Bedbugs Come Out Only in the Dark

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Bedbugs Come Out Only in the Dark

Bedbugs are among the most dreaded pests in part because they’re notoriously difficult to get rid of. One of the common myths surrounding these little bloodsuckers is that they come out only in the dark, so if you keep the lights on, you won’t be bitten. Unfortunately, this is not true.According to the EPA, bedbugs do prefer darkness, but a bright room won’t stop them from biting you.



Once Poisoned, Rodents Are No Longer a Problem

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Once Poisoned, Rodents Are No Longer a Problem

Many people shy away from the messy business of鼠标和老鼠陷阱, preferring the outwardly simpler solution of rodenticides. The problem is, however, that you can’t simply call it a day after a rodent has eaten the poison. The poisons used in rodenticides typically take several days to take effect after they have been ingested. This means that the critters are likely to die inside your home, leading to unpleasant smells and possibly attracting even more pests if carrion flies come to feast on the remains.



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The bad news is, if you find traces of pests in your house, they’ve probably settled in for the long haul. While it may be tempting to hope for the best and assume that any pests will eventually decide to go away, you should insteadtake actionas soon as possible when you notice signs of mice, cockroaches, bedbugs, or ants to ensure that the problem doesn’t become worse. When in doubt, call an exterminator to assess the situation for you.

Related:10 Reasons Bugs Love Your Home


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