Bob Vila’s 5 “Must Do” Projects for January



Happy New Year! January is the month to take stock and plan ahead. That’s why my five “must do” projects for January include everything from adopting some home-focused resolutions to storing holiday decorations and getting snow-ready.

This year, as you make your New Year’s resolution to spend less, go on a diet, join a gym, learn a new skill or perhaps find more time for yourself, consider adding another goal for 2013—putting your house on anenergy diet

Just like taxes and death, you can be sure that energy and utility costs will continue to take a bite out of your home operating budget. How big of a bite is within your control. That’s why it pays to do everything you can to keep your home as trim and fit as possible. After all, sometimes even a seemingly modest change in your home (or change in your personal habits) can make a dramatic difference over time.

For example, there’s been plenty written aboutenergy-efficient light bulbs,但你把那份信息付诸实践吗?如果没有,这是今年的目标。如果每个美国房屋只用了一个白炽灯灯泡,那么有能源明星认证的多样性,我们将节省足够的能量,每年轻松轻,每年节省大约6亿美元的能源成本,并预防九十亿英镑的温室气体排放根据环境保护署(48,000辆)的每年(相当于约80万辆汽车)(相当)环保局).

如果你对那个滴水龙头或流氓厕所耳聋,你可以确定你的水公司没有。如果你知道有泄漏,请修复它。它可能需要尽可能简单地拧紧阀门或更换磨损的洗衣机或无效的挡板,所有简单的维修你可以照顾好自己。如果泄漏需要更换水龙头或厕所,请在专业人员中致电,然后选择带有海滨标签的夹具。下次冲洗时,考虑一下:如果美国中的每个人每天一次少一次冲洗厕所,我们可以节省相当于一个充满水的湖面约一平方英里,四英尺深每天, according to绿色生物想法

Looking for more ways to conserve and save this year? Seal those drafts, make sure your home is well-insulated, install low-flow shower heads and change furnace filters. You can find out more—and take the亚博老虎机网页版BOB VILA 2013耗能饮食承诺这里。One simple change will make a big difference for you and all of us!

LifeHacker HolidayornamentStorageWithPlasticcups Rev.
As fun as it is to unearth boxes of holiday decorations in November, there is nothing enjoyable about packing them all away again in January. Big box stores will be happy to sell you bins and containers geared specifically toward holiday-realated storage, but with a little planning and ingenuity, you can create your ownDIY solutionsthat will work just as well. A piece of cardboard with slots at both ends is ideal for wrapping string lights, while those inexpensive, six-ounce plastic party cups are the perfect individual holders for fragile ornaments. And if you have a real tree, consider bringing it to atreecyclinglocation, where it will be chipped into mulch for beneficial use.

3. Get snow-ready—before the snowfall
如果你住在雪可能的地方的部分地区,现在需要时间来确保您准备好抵达。雪铲,snow blowers,salt or sand应该是准备好的。如果你去冬天以来没有射击雪机,你现在可能想这样做。考虑一些常规维护,如改变油;更换磨损或破裂的皮带;拧紧螺母,螺栓和螺钉;和润滑驱动器和底盘。另外,观察形成冰柱沿着檐开始融化。他们可以创造冰水坝and serious damage to the roof if left unattended. A roof rake is a great way to pull the snow from the eaves to lessen the problem.

4. Employ some countertop TLC
也许从未有过这么多的诱惑countertop optionsto fit every budget, decor, and culinary need. But all countertops are not created equal. So what’s the best way to keep yours in peak condition? You can start with some pretty basic “do’s and don’ts,” such as cleaning often with a sponge or soft cloth and mild, non-abrasive detergent, or by practicing caution when using sharp knives and hot cookware. If you have granite or marble, be sure to use a good sealer, which will help prolong the life of the stone and provide a barrier of protection against staining. Wood countertops should be rubbed with tung, linseed, or mineral oil anywhere from monthly to quarterly, depending on usage. The same mineral oil can be applied to soapstone to provide a protective coat and rich, dark color. For stained laminate, try a homemade paste of baking soda and water. For tips on caring for concrete, stainless steel, quartz, solid surfaces and ceramic tile, visit台面护理101.

5. Make a better fire
While many of today’s homeowners opt for the convenience of a gas fireplace, the traditionalists among us may always prefer the smokey smell, crackling sound, and tactile ritual of fire building. While there is an art to making a fire, it all begins withthe right choice of wood。每种物种都有自己的燃烧特征。一些物种-oak,例如 - 提供非常缓慢的烧伤和热火,而其他物种如丝子提供较少的灰分。您还需要确保您使用的木材经过妥善调味stored在通风良好的室外区域,从保护the elements.