
项目:Storm-Ready Design, Episode 1, Part1

在《鲍勃维拉》第一季中,鲍勃在飓风肆虐的佛罗里达州彭塔戈达,建造一个可以抵御风暴的家。亚博老虎机网页版鲍勃参观了同一社区的两所房子,其中一所在2004年8月被飓风查理(Charley)完全摧毁,另一所房子的建造标准超过了飓风标准,但没有受到来自同一场风暴的飓风和洪水的破坏。Mercedes Homes公司的Scott Buescher展示了增强的建筑实践和技术如何创造一个抗风暴的房屋,而副州长Toni Jennings和社区事务部长Thaddeus Cohen讨论重建佛罗里达。建筑监察员Randy Cole和Mercedes Homes的Jesse Gonzalez检查了现场,并观察了三级蒸汽墙的浇筑,蒸汽墙位于地面之下,并将楼板地基与地面连接起来。由此产生的地基将通过允许水在地基周围移动而不碰到入口点来抵御风暴潮的渗透。Bob与Mercedes Homes的Scott Buescher一起审阅了房屋计划,并了解了房屋是如何作为一个集成系统建造的。建筑连接被强调,钢筋和钢网从干墙延伸到屋顶线,为将形成外墙的固体混凝土浇筑做准备。
来自Flash的联邦联盟的鲍勃遇见了Leslie Chapman-Henderson,以便在佛罗里达州Punta Gorda的两栋房屋中查看,其中一个幸存下来的飓风们毫不受到了伤害,另一个必须被完全拆除。Chapman Henderson解释的差异来自建筑实践。Flash试图教育房主关于最佳建筑实践,以便他们的家庭能够承受自然风暴的破坏力。在飓风区,像Punta Gorda一样,大敌人是风。Chapman Henderson解释说,在高风赛中,保持您的结构的关键是保持绕组,并将结构捆绑在一起。覆盖窗户,门和车库门是防止碎片渗透的最佳方式,并产生可能会妨碍房屋的风入。她说,另一个关键的保障是保持屋顶。保持屋顶和屋顶到墙壁和地板的连接将保持房屋完整。鲍勃从梅赛德斯屋和兰迪科尔州的杰西·戈祖兹(兰塔Gorda Countaints系Randy Cole)寻求网站参观,看看茎墙和整体板块被涌入Punta Gorda Storm-More的家。Jesse解释了用于提供混凝土的Pumper卡车的效率和通过这种方法可以完成倒的速度。 They then talk about scratching the site clean before building the pad for the slab and excavating the footings for the three-course block stem wall. Cole explains that a stem wall sinks its footer below the surface and allows the slab to sit on top of a wall so that the water can move around the foundation rather than surging up under it. Gonzalez explains that the footings are excavated and set with two bars of number 5 steel that is set in the concrete. A three-course cinder-block wall is then set in the footings. The cells of the block are filled with concrete as the slab is poured in one continuous pour with the walls. There are no seams between the slab and the wall because it is a solid pour. Reinforcing steel goes around the perimeter of the foundation and up through the cells every three feet.


