

Bob评论Storm-Deader酒店的特色和摩尔拉德绘画的客房和汤姆·摩尔德,因为他适用于里面的Porcelanosa金属看瓷砖的专有混凝土染色产品。将该污渍滴落,用刮刀涂抹,以避免汇集,并配有透明的涂层封口机,以提供持久的颜色完成。从Alcoa和Leslie-Chapman Henderson的Joe Breese来自Flash Join Bob的Vinyl Soffit面板安装。拱腹是飓风期间屋顶衰竭和水侵入的主要原因,所以这个家庭有一个加强的拱腹施工,可以将其绑在建筑物墙壁上,并增强结构,使面板在高风中握紧,而不是拉开。这些面板通过凹槽通道空气,并比传统的乙烯基板提供80%的通风。比尔·Zoeller和Lance Keeling解释了能效措施,将每月储存房屋100美元的营业费用,如Low-E玻璃,可阻挡高达70%的太阳能发热,混凝土墙体的绝缘,以防止传热,空调管道这在阁楼地板上掉落并用基于大豆的泡沫绝缘,以及14个Seer热泵空调单元。
鲍勃在Punta Gorda House上看着Storm-Ready的功能,从前门开始,停止摆动以防止吹入。他还指出了整个房子里使用的抗冲击玻璃。Leslie Chapman-Henderson与Bob谈论围绕被纳入风暴的房子的细节。距离舒适的问题是,在风暴风力驱动的雨中和风力挡住屋顶下方,进入阁楼,风力攻击结构和雨水浸泡绝缘和墙壁。在潮湿的气候下,湿绝缘和墙板开始在小时内生长。关闭剖宫分试,目前不是代码要求,但对暴风雨中的智能建筑至关重要。来自Alcoa的Joe Breese显示了在蓬塔Gorda House中使用的乙烯基拱腹。锁定面板系统意味着风力将迫使面板握持彼此的握持更紧密,而不是拉开。面板连接到连接到墙壁的j沟道。它们安装有5/8英寸短尾钉,每16英寸间隔开。 The soffit panels are cut to fit and stapled in place. There are no ventilation grilles evident on these vinyl panels. All air moves through the grooves in the panels to ventilate the roof and attic space. Still, these panels have about 80 percent more ventilation capacity than standard vinyl soffit panels. Todd Davison from FEMA is with Bob to talk about Hurricane Ivan and the power of storm surge. Ivan, unlike Hurricane Charley, had a very wide path and was slow moving. As a result, the storm surge was tremendous and the damage widespread. In the Florida Panhandle, 15, 000 homes were destroyed and another 25, 000 were rendered uninhabitable. Storm surge built with this hurricane because of its slow, forward-moving track that pushed Gulf water ahead of it. This surge lifted bridges off their supports and homes off their foundations. Davison points out that there are building guidelines to prevent such damage. FEMA is actively involved in promoting guidelines for how to rebuild to fend off future damage. Protecting against storm surge is a huge focus for building practices because it forces water under slabs and presents a vertical risk of uplift to the home. Model codes now require that new homes be raised above the projected flood height. The Punta Gorda storm-ready house is nine and one-half feet above the water, a move that will save the homeowners more than half of the non-code premium for flood insurance. For homes built before the code, they are grandfathered and eligible for insurance but at a much higher rate.


