

最重要的是,当吊顶掉下来的时候,它的檐口装饰很得体。嵌条将为主要生活空间定下基调,那里的砖已被拆除,安装了烟道内衬和牵引式壁炉。所有40年代的墙壁、表面和天花板处理都消失了,板条和石膏也消失了,只留下裸露的砖块和裸露的托梁。改造已经切到托梁的工作或损坏了它,所以一些改造将是必要的,以建立为地板和天花板。地板搁栅经过筛选,为木地板下的Georgia-Pacific Plytanium强化地板提供了一个水平、坚实的基础。激光水平仪允许木匠在整个公寓中水平地设置水平的线条,垂直地设置新的钢钉。最后,一个可弯曲的烟道内衬穿过墙壁,进入新的壁炉的烟囱。

彻底建筑公司的首席木匠康纳·麦肯纳(Connor McKenna)在新安装的过滤过的搁栅顶部涂上了面板胶,然后在顶部铺上4×8块乔治亚-太平洋式胶合板(Georgia-Pacific Plytanium Sturdifloor)。这是一个企口的地板,足够坚固,可以作为硬木地板下的唯一一层。


亚博老虎机网页版鲍勃·维拉:垫层,我们正在放下的标准4×8片显然必须在一段时间进行修整每隔一段时间,而这一次的也不例外。我们只是用粉笔线,并给自己的指导方针,使我们可以仅通过少量撕裂片下来。这是强大的东西。他们称之为Georgia-Pacific公司Plytanium坚实的地面,这是一种产品,是可以作为在任何情况下垫层一个突出部和凹槽4×8片。它的好处是,你只需要一个层的硬木地板的安装,这就是我们要在这里做的,或者更简单的东西像墙到墙的地毯或乙烯基地板或什么的。这是很好的,坚固的东西。研究员,你已经得到了他们现在都预切,准备出门,所以让我们来谈谈你怎么做。你将在第一面板粘合?康纳·麦肯纳:是的。鲍勃:这是。 That goes along the tops of the newly added sisters. These products are incredibly strong glues that not only help for a better installation, but make for a quieter installation. That's one thing you always want to avoid when you're putting down hardwood floors, is the potential for movement, which causes squeaks. This is one way of avoiding it. The screws that you use for fastening are drywall not wood screws. You want to make that distinction, because you want to make sure you have a sure grip on this plywood. That looks good. Connor, how close together are you going to apply the screws? Connor: Every six to eight inches. Hold that there. Bob: Alright, that looks pretty darn good. As I say, that makes for a real solid floor. Thanks fellas. Connor: Alright. Bob: Let's go towards the front and talk with the plumber. Mario Pagano is back with us this week. Hey. Mario Pagano: Hi, Bob. Bob: How are you? We're removing what is essentially waste and vent pipes from what was a bathroom here, right? Mario: Yep. To take everything back as far as possible, to the existing risers, as we call them. Bob: The change in use of the space is to make this a big kitchen area. Mario: Exactly. Bob: That's going to be a wet wall, so this is right in the middle of my kitchen, and this has to go. This is all venting? Mario: Yeah, that's exactly what it is. It's just to eliminate fumes, sewer fumes as well as pressure. Bob: What's the pressure part of the story? Mario: Water fights air pressure, and that air pressure needs to be eliminated as the water makes its way down by natural gravity. Not only does it eliminate the fumes, it also eliminates the air pressure. Bob: This is what was the trap. We had a sink here last week. Mario: The old pink sink. Bob: This was the waste that went down and this is the vent that goes up from here. Now, can this all be replaced with PVC? Mario: Absolutely not. Not in New York City. Bob: Why not? Mario: Code, and anything under three stories. I am sorry, anything over. Bob: Over. Mario: Exactly. It has to be the cast iron, or galvanized steel, as we see here. Bob: I think that's a good call. You've already started cutting it over here. Mario: We're taking everything out. Bob: Everything out? Mario: Correct. Bob: Last week, of course, we took out everything that was decorative. This was the world's pinkest bathroom, which had an amazing pink bathtub and floor and wall tile. Of course we saved the sink. I'm not sure what we're going to do with the sink. What happens next here? Mario: We took the liberty of supporting everything to make sure it's safe. We're literally taking everything back as far as possible, to possibly re‑utilize just one connection to vent the future fixtures. Other than that, everything goes. Bob: There you go.
这个项目涉及两个非常不同的家庭概念。Bob从纽约上西区开始,在那里,一幢1890年代的褐砂石建筑通过高质量的工艺和敏感的设计重新焕发了生机。纽约的过去与现在交相辉映,整层楼被重新夺回并翻新,在中央公园(Central Park)的门阶上创造了一个宽敞的城市公寓。



