该10.Best Winter Buys for a Happy, Healthy Home

Stop your sniffling and your shivering this winter, and invest in a happier, healthier you. With a few well-chosen purchases, you can turn your home into a warm, cheerful winter retreat. Our editors have recommended some of their most coveted must-haves for your best-ever winter. Read on to see if any of these products have a place on your wish list.



1/ 10.

Nothing quite matches the cozy feeling of lounging beside a roaring wood fire. But let’s face it: Even if you’re lucky enough to live in a home with a hearth, it may not enjoy all that comes with it. From stockpiling wood to shelling out for once-a-year chimney cleaning, operating and maintaining a traditional fireplace can be a real hassle. Enter the壁炉从起重机美国的空间加热器。Compact and, thanks to a built-in handle, easily portable, the sleek and stylish unit fuses the charming aesthetics of a fireplace with the convenience of a plug-in space heater. There's even a "glow only" setting, if you ever want to enjoy the ambiance of a fire without the heat.Available on亚马逊;$89.99.



Wide Awake

2/ 10.
Wake Up Alarm Clock Light

Dark and dreary winter mornings make you want to stay in bed, if not forever, then for as long your schedule allows. This year, rather than drag your bones through the same-old rigamarole, why not hit the ground running each morning with the best-selling, clinically provenPhilips Wake-Up Light?这是它的工作原理:20至40分钟在指定之前,唤醒灯首先转动,然后逐渐亮,直到太阳模拟照明填满了房间。然后,温和的过程高潮,而不是用咒语警报,但是用五个舒缓而刺激的自然声音中的一个。你不仅唤醒更自然,而且更加通电。Available on亚马逊;$139.99.



A Chunky Knit Blanket

3./ 10.
Chunky Knit毯子

Nothing embodies coziness quite like an over-sized knit blanket. This particularly stylish blanket from Etsy shop PinkUnicornStudio attributes its ultra soft texture and smooth Scandinavian style to its material: 100 percent natural merino wool dyed in one of 14 colors. Completely hypoallergenic, this handmade blanket won't cause sniffles or stuffiness; rather, it promises to keep warm, well-rested, and in good spirits every time you bundle up this season.Available onetsy.;从60英寸的毯子开始为192美元的标准40美元。


etsy.com.via PinkUnicornStudio


4./ 10.

FDA宣布抗菌手肥皂不是最终的,都是 - 全部对抗冷细菌,但这没有理由在这季嗅闻中的洗手案中的洗手案。相反,专注于您花费了一个可信赖的手肥皂,就像Meyers夫人 - 甚至选择一个节日气味,以获得额外的欢呼。该品牌的全天然清洁剂有三个季节性气味(爱荷华州松,橙丁香,薄荷),有限的时间,所以液体洗碗肥皂仍然可以。Available on亚马逊;$36.



5./ 10.

在冬季寒冷的日子里,冷空气可以通过门窗的裂缝泄漏,让房主颤抖。用湾保持冷静Biddeford Velour Heated Throw。该soft polyester blanket has six controllable heat settings, so users can set their perfect temperature. The soft fabric, 10-hour automatic shut-off feature, and long 13-foot cord make this throw a viable alternative to blasting the heat—and subsequently paying sky-high electric bills.Available on亚马逊;59.95美元。

有关:Drafty Windows? Solutions for Every Budget



6./ 10.

Do you constantly suffer from cold feet in the winter? Warm your extremities with theIndus Tool Toasty Toes Heated Footrest三种不同的温度设置nd a manual thermostat. Take the footrest to your office for extra heat under your desk, or use it in the comfort of your own home. Plus, in the warmer months, the footrest can double as a muscle reliever for aching feet.可用AT.目标;$ 39.49。

有关:10.Ways Your Furniture Can Make You Healthier


In the Air

7./ 10.

No amount of moisturizer can make up for the damage that dry and stuffy indoor air wreaks on sensitive skin each winter. Instead of slathering on extra layers of lip balm or hand cream, pump hydration into the air itself. A simple andSleek Humidifier vicvsing会做诀窍。虽然它看起来很小,但它的水库可以容纳多达300毫升的水,足以让它连续运行10小时。对于额外的奖金,这位冬天的救生员作为一个精油扩散器加倍,这意味着您可以将水疗中心样氛围带到任何带有几滴薰衣草,橙色或薄荷油的任何房间。Available on亚马逊;25.99美元

有关:Combat Dry Winter Air with 7 Tips and Tricks


Zap Airborne Germs

8./ 10.
GermGuardian Air Purifier

A buttoned-up winter home is a warm one, no doubt. The downside to all of that draft-dodging is the stale, stuffy, and (let's face it) germ-filled air that comes with it. When you can't open a window for the cold, there's another way to get a breath of fresh air. Try the small, unobtrusive菌种可插拔空气消毒剂。该装置从空气中去除烟雾,烹饪烟雾和其他气味,以帮助您更容易呼吸,而内置的UV-C光线设计为Zap Germs而不使用有毒化学品。现在,如果它只做了菜!Available on亚马逊;$37.13



9./ 10.

还有什么比面向另一个无阳的冬日更沉闷的东西?但只是因为太阳在一年中的这个时候早点睡觉,并不意味着你绕过面包。事实上,即使你宁愿休眠,也可以帮助您保持健康,在今年冬天更健康。给自己一剂加入和去来自大自然的轻疗灯明亮。Clinically proven to boost your mood, the little lamp can help you feel rested, refreshed, and energized—even in the depths of winter.Available on亚马逊;69.99美元



10./ 10.

对于舒适的生物,每个房间的壁炉都是终极治疗。然而,我们大多数人都住在无法容纳这种奢侈品味的家中。如果一个小空间和预算让您无法实现壁炉的梦想,请考虑一个wall-mounted unit like this one。遥控电动壁炉可以像一张照片一样悬挂墙壁,并提供可靠的加热与现实的火焰显示器,为您提供无需维护的真正火灾的舒适。在淡季,壁炉在接通火焰(但不是热量)时保持工作,以向浪漫的晚餐,家庭SPA会议或家庭电影之夜增添氛围。可用AT.overstock.com.;$ 153.99。




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