


Things You Can Do With a French Press


法国的咖啡机:虽然小,unassuming, it is an extremely convenient device in any kitchen. Little did Italian designers Giulio Moneta and Attilio Calimani know that the device they patented in 1929 would become one of the most important portable devices among coffee lovers around the world. Simple to operate, one can enjoy a fantastic brew with very little effort in a matter of minutes. As simple as the design of the French press may be, it has plenty of uses beyond brewing coffee. If you are at a loss as to what other functions you can expect from this unpretentious coffee-making wonder, then read on. Here are 10 amazing uses for the French press coffee maker.


It’s not coffee that’s the most popular drink in the world—it’s tea! And the same device you use to brew your coffee—the French press—works just as well for brewing loose leaf tea. Place the tea leaves in the French press, just as you would coffee grounds, and let it steep. Then press down the plunger to engage the mesh strainer that should function like a tea bag and keep the tea leaves out of your cup. You get to enjoy the full-bodied freshness of tea leaves without the worrisome bits of leaves.


There is a growing fan base for冷啤酒咖啡。And why not? Cold brew coffee provides a richer and smoother coffee than regular hot brew. Its greatest advantage is in its lower levels of acidity. Cold brew coffee is about two-thirds less acidic than traditional brewed coffee. In other words, it is friendlier to the tummy.



Froth Milk


Folks who love lattés and cappuccinos will also love the French press. No longer do you have to buy a steam wand or boil milk and whisk it until it becomes frothy. Not only is whisking time consuming and messy, but it can put a strain on your wrists. A French press coffee maker can produce rich, frothy milk for your cappuccino in no time.

Pour your chosen milk in the French press. Warm it a bit in the microwave, but do not let it boil. Take it out of the microwave and put the lid, filter, and plunger mechanism in the French press. Now give it several brisk pumps. You will notice the milk becoming frothier. Get your cup of coffee and pour the frothy milk like a barista.

4. Make Whipped Cream



5. Rinse Grains

Rinse Grains


Rinsing grains such as farro, quinoa, and rice can be a tedious process and often requires a strainer to help separate the grains from the water, inevitably resulting in some of the grains getting stuck in the small holes of the strainer.


6. Drain Defrosted Foods



7. Mix Drinks






Are you a fan of flavored oils? Well, infusing spices and herbs into your favorite cooking oil can be easier than ever with the French press.

Put your favorite spices or herbs in the carafe. Add olive oil or any other oil you like for cooking, put on the lid and let it sit. Every now and then, press on the plunger to help extract more flavor from the herbs and spices. This allows them to infuse into the oil. Once you’re satisfied with the concentration of the infused oil, press the plunger one last time, then pour the oil into its container.

9. Rehydrate Dried Food Items

Rehydrate Foods





For health-conscious folks, a delicious way to stay hydrated is by drinking infused water, which is simply plain drinking water to which herbs or fruit have been added. The natural nutrient goodness of the herbs or fruit gets infused into the water when left overnight in the refrigerator.

Using a French press, you don’t need to buy an expensive infuser water bottle. The French press can serve as your infuser. Put your chosen fruit or herbs in the French press. Cover it with filtered water and place the lid on top. Place the French press in the refrigerator overnight. The following day, take it out of the refrigerator, press down on the plunger, and enjoy your healthy, refreshing infused water.

