7 Things People Love About Working from Home (and 7 They Hate)



一种New Professional Landscape

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Closeup of a laptop with four squares, each with one person in it, representing a virtual meeting.



Love: Spending More Time With Family

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Man and female child sitting on a white couch, they are celebrating and playing a video game

许多传统的办公室工作人员每天向上到10个小时,留下时间与家人共度时光。根据一个,新偏远工人报告的家庭时间增加了远程办公的一个利益的人数调查. Even if you’re busy in your home office for much of the day, you can still get a positivity boost from being able to see the other members of your household.

Related:10 Ways to Get Through—and Enjoy—a Stay-at-Home Winter


Hate: The Lack of Human Interaction

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虽然有些人可能看到他们的家庭re, those who live alone or whose family members aren’t home during the day may find themselves experiencing loneliness. For many, relationships with coworkers are a major source of social interaction. Office workers报告每天花费超过一小时与同事聊天关于非工作相关主题的同事,而偏远工人下面的半小时内。



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While working remotely means working from home for many, others take advantage of telecommuting to travel the globe. When your “workspace” is reduced to a laptop, you can do your job from anywhere you’d like. AAirbnb的调查发现,83%的受访者将考虑在2021年在远程工作的同时重新迁移。


Hate: The Lack of Separation Between Work and Home

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Man on computer, looking at screen while holding one baby on his lap and helping another toddler with a tablet

在办公室工作时,许多员工在下午5:00关闭他们的电脑。并称之为一天。然而,当您从家中工作时,它可能会继续检查电子邮件并在晚上或周末工作,因为您的家成为您的办公室。一种调查by Airtasker显示偏远工人实际上每月工作1.4天而不是办公室工作人员。同样的调查报告称,29%的偏远工人报告说,他们努力拥有工作生活平衡,而23%的办公室工作人员。




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Cars stuck in traffic

No one likes sitting in traffic or trying to find a seat on a packed city bus. Working remotely allows you to reduce your commute to the number of steps it takes to go from your bedroom to your workspace.一种irtasker发现偏远工人每月获得34小时的额外空闲时间,因为他们没有上班。



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When your coworkers are just steps away, it’s easy to clear up a miscommunication or sort out the details of a project. When your team works remotely however, it can be frustrating waiting hours—or even days—to hear back on a question that could have been answered in a few minutes in person.



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Jar of paper money

When you work from home, your transportation costs plummet. According to the Airtasker调查,电视员每月储存近500美元的燃料。因为你不再需要通勤,你的车越来越少磨损,导致维护支出降低。如果您通常乘坐火车,公共汽车或地铁,可以节省公共交通通行证。当您每天在家中享用午餐时,更不用说储蓄,并且不必在整个工作衣橱上花钱。

Related:15 Home Office Essentials You Didn't Know You Needed


Hate: Unhealthy Habits

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Overhead shot of small bowls of snacks, chips, candy, ice cream

Some remote workers have high hopes for making healthy meals every day and avoiding the cost—and calories—of frequent takeout lunches. When you’re at home, however, you have your entire fridge and pantry at your disposal for all-day snacking. Not to mention, when your commute simply consists of traveling from your bed to your desk, you likely lose out on some of the calorie-burning physical activity you get when walking to the subway, or even just up the stairs to your office.



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Close up of planner that says




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Overhead shot of someone writing in a planner with their right hand and holding a phone in their left hand.

When you work in an office, much of your day is often predetermined. When telecommuting, however, you likely have more control over how you fill your time between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. It can be difficult to establish a consistent routine because of the freedom you’re afforded when working from home. This may lead to disorganization and poor time management.



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Bearded man with glasses, sitting in front of latptop, working intensely.

一种two-yearstudy由斯坦福教授Nicholas Bloom表明,偏远工人比其在办公室同行更富有成效。办公环境充满了分心,许多远程办公人们欣赏能够在家庭办公室工作时扣除并专注于手头的任务。



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Man working on couch with cat crawling across laptop

While there may no longer be coworkers stopping by your cubicle to chat or inquire about an unfinished project, your home is also rife with distractions. Taking care of that pile of dirty laundry or walking an energetic dog ends up taking you away from your actual work. Not to mention, those who have children at home can end up being pestered as much—if not more—than they would in an office setting.

Related:The 12 Hidden Expenses of Pet Ownership



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The standard workday starts at 9:00 a.m., which is great for early birds who have a couple of hours in the morning to exercise, read, or have a leisurely breakfast before heading to the office. Night owls, however, are stuck hitting snooze repeatedly while cursing their past selves for not going to bed earlier the night before. The flexibility of telecommuting allows night owls to sleep in longer and build their schedules around their natural sleep rhythms.


Hate: Tech Issues

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